The boys make fun of you (Brad)

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Warning:If you've ever experienced this,just remember that you ARE beautiful and amazing. No one is perfect and it's doesn't matter about if you're fat or thin.

You don't have to read (:
They make fun of your body shape/figure.

Your pov:
Today was the day Brad invited you to be his plus one at an awards show.
You had your shower,applied small make up,your wore a red dress,that matched your red lipstick.
Brad new you hated your body,that's why you never wear dresses as it makes your stomach stick out.
Sometimes you actually wondered why he picked you at of the hundreds and thousands of girls.

You heard Brad walk through your bedroom door,"Are you ready babe" he asked,you replied with,"Not yet,need to put my shoes on."
You wanted downstairs and put your shoes on.
A cab came to pick you up with the other boys in it.
You got inside the cap and squeezed in between Brad and James.
"Hey guys"You say being polite.
"Hey y/n" Con says.

"That dress doesn't suit y/n"You heard Tris say,but you decided to ignore it.
"Yeah her stomach has gotten bigger"You then hear Brad reply.

"Driver? Driver can you please stop the car"You ask the man.
"Sure" the man pulled the car over.

You started to walk back to your house,you couldn't believe that Tris and your boyfriend could speak and think about you like that. Brad new that you hated your body ever since he met you. To your luck, it started to pour with rain,Brad never ran after me, he just left me.

You walked through the door,tears streaming down your face that was mixed with rain which ruined your mascara.
You took off your dress and make up and put your pyjamas on.
About a rough hour later,Brad walked through the door.
"Y/N babe where are you"
"Why would it matter to you?"
"Look I'm sorry y/n"
"Well your not if you didn't run after me"
"Y/n I'm so sorry,I knew you wasn't confident with your own body figure,I had to go along with Tris,and I know I should have said something to him at the time" Brad says pulling you into a warm hug.

"B-Brad why me out of all the girls,you chose me, a fat ugly potato"You say Brad wiping your tears,while pulling out of your little hug.

"Because y/n you're the most beautiful, gorgeous,caring,loveable person I have ever met and known.

"I'm so sorry for what I said.I told the boys about you not being confident in your body"

"No Brad,I'm sorry for overreacting."

"I love you Y/N" He says pulling you into another warm hug.

"And I love you too Bradley Bear"

I hope you'd enjoy this!
Remember that you ARE beautiful in your own body.
F**k what your father says 💓

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