Connor imagine

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[Saying goodbye at the airport]

Your Pov:
Today was the day Connor and the band was going to America for their tour.Con told you to wake him up,so he can get his little bits ready.It was around 6:30 in the morning,you decided to wake up Con as his flight was 9:30 but had to go through security and that lot.
You walked over the his side of the bed and stroked his cheek.
"Time to wake up babe"you say pecking the top of his head.
All you got was a grunt and Con rolling over.
"Babe,c'mon you're flying to America for tour soon",Con rolled back and faced you,"but I don't want to go"Con pouted.
"Why baby?"you asked stroking his hair back.
"Because I'm scared if I will get a panic or anxiety attack and I will miss you princess."He says in his morning voice which you find the cutest.

"Baby you're going to be just fine if you take your meds,the boys will look after you and remember you've a phone to message or call me"You say.

"Ok,let me go get changed"He says as he starts to get up from your bed.

You walked downstairs to make breakfast for you both,half way during the making of scrambled egg on toast,you felt a warm pair of arms wrap around your small waist.

"Have you packed your epi pen"You ask him as he always forgets it.
"Yes Babe don't worry,anyways I think that's fine now don't you think"Con says in your ear and you nodded back.

A hour later,you and Con was in the airport standing around security.
"I'm going to miss you a lot Con"
"I'm going to miss you too" you started crying quietly,but Con noticed.
"Don't cry baby or I will cry and that can't happen can it"He says wiping the tears of your rosette cheeks.

"Do you have to go?"You ask him.
"Yes otherwise the fans will hate us"Con laughs.

"I'm gonna miss you Con,remember message me when you land,and just whenever you need me."You tell him.
"You do the same too princess."

You had a five minute hug,when out of now where you both heard the voice of Brad saying,"Oi Con we need to go" You both giggled.
You let Con go,"Goodbye Connor"
"Goodbye princess,I won't be long".

You watched Con walk over to Brad and then walking away.
You ran over to him,and gave another hug,you couldn't let him go,he has helped you so much and whenever he's away you have bad days.

"I love you,I love you Con"
"I love you too y/n ,but I need to go" Con laughs wiping your tears yet again.

This time you let go and watch them walk off again.
You then heard home to watch movies as you were sad to do anything else.
Con messaged and phone to say that he landed and that he was safe.
Hi,sorry this one is a bit confusing and all over the place aha.

-Rebecca x

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