What Did I Sign Up For?

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I stood in the doorway, staring at the messy dorm with no sense of order. The boy that had let me in was already sitting down on a couch, playing away on his phone. He hadn't said a word to me since I arrived. He simply opened the door and let me in, nothing else.

"Excuse me, but do I have the right dorm?" I asked. The boy sighed at my question.

"You're supposed to be the eighth member of BTS, right?" The boy questioned. I was taken aback by his words, I really didn't expect this to be the right place.

"Well, yes. Who are you, if you don't mind me asking?" I continued.

"My name is Jungkook, the other guys are somewhere around here if you'd like to meet them." Jungkook said blankly. He was more focused on his phone than anything.

"Okay, I guess I'll just... show myself around." I sighed and continued to the kitchen where two boys were eating. Neither of them noticed me.

"Um... excuse me." I said awkwardly. The boys both looked up at me in surprise.

"Oh, hey, you must be that new member right? I'm Jimin and this is Jin." One of the boys smiled. He looked very handsome and looked more kept than the other boys that I had seen.

"Yes, hello. So, do you happen to know where everybody else is?" I questioned. The other boy, Jin, pointed to a door to the left of me and then continued to eat.

"Thanks." I growled as I gave a thumbs up and turned to the door. I didn't even think to knock and opened the door without a warning. Three boys were in this bedroom.

"Hello! You must be the new member of BTS." One of them said as he immediately jumped up to greet me. This was the most acknowledgement I'd gotten yet.

"Yes, I am. My name's (R/N)." I smiled. The boy grabbed my hand and shook it in a hurry.

"I'm Rap Monster, but you can call me Namjoon. These two guys are V and J-Hope or Taehyung and Hoseok if you want real names." The man explained. The two boys waved from their seat on the bed. One of them had a bright smile while the other looked like he was surprised for some reason.

"I see, it's nice to meet you all. I heard there were seven members, I've met only six so far. I've met Jungkook, Jin, Jimin, and you three." I explained. Namjoon nodded, he understood that I wanted to meet the seventh member.

"The last member is Suga, Min Yoongi, Min Suga, whichever you want to call him. Now, I'm going to warn you that he can be a bit... mean sometimes. Anyway, if you're up for the challenge, he's down the hall towards the exit and to the right." Namjoon smiled as he went back to sit down on his bed. I nodded in thankfulness to the help and left the room to find Suga.

I followed the directions that I was given and found the door easily. Once again, I didn't think of knocking and entered without warning. I looked around the room only to find it empty. It was very tidy and didn't seem like it was lived in at all. There was a vanity on the right wall and a closet on the left. In the center of the far wall was a bed with a nightstand on each side. It was then that I noticed that there was a small lump in the sheets of the bed.

"Excuse me?" I called as I cautiously walked forward. There was no response even when I came to the side of the bed and bent down enough to hear breathing.

"Oh, thank God." I whispered to myself. For a minute there I had thought he was dead. I reached up and began to slowly pull back the covers, curios to see what this boy looked like. First, I saw jet-black hair, short and messy. Then there was pale white skin and closed eyes. Nose, lips, neck. That's as far as I got before I noticed that the eyes that were closed were now open and staring at me, unamused.

"What are you doing in my room?" The boy growled as he pushed me away and rose up to a sitting position.

"Sorry, you're Suga, right? I'm the new member that-" I began.

"Being new doesn't give you the right to come into my room without even knocking." Suga barked as he stood up and began pushing me towards the door.

"Well, I wanted to meet you-" I tried to speak again. Suga shoved me out of the door.

"Now you have." Suga sighed and slammed the door.

"Ugh!" I growled in frustration. What kind of guy throws a woman out like that, I was only trying to be polite!

"He seems mean most of the time, just give it a while." Jungkook called from the couch where he had seen everything.

"Whatever." I growled and whipped around to go talk to Namjoon again. I was tired and agitated, the only thing I needed was to find my room and sleep.

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