What Is Up With Everyone?

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"Yo, where's the food? I smell it." I shouted as I walked into the kitchen. Jin and Jimin we're playing cards at the table and Suga was cooking. What I found really odd was that everyone got really quite when I walked into the room.

"It's almost done." Suga finally said.

"That's great and all, but who died to make you guys act like this?" I questioned. Jimin and Jin stared at each other and then continued playing their cards. Namjoon simply looked at me for a moment.

"Oh God. Don't tell me someone actually died." I said, horrified at what may have just happened.

"Nobody died!" Suga shouted. "They're just being stupid." His tone softened a bit.

"Fuck you!" Namjoon shouted and stormed out of the room.

"Okay, you guys need to work out some issues." I put my hands in the air and spun around, walking in the opposite direction. Things were just beginning to get better for me and I did not want to get involved in anymore drama.

"Yeah, you got that right." Jimin muttered. Suga glared at him, obviously not in the mood.

"Food's done." Suga growled. He turned off the stove and set out some plates before storming off into his room.

"Okay, well I'm not going in there anytime soon." I sighed as I walked back into the kitchen to get food.

"You won't have to, we have a photo shoot in a couple hours. The makeup artists will be here soon, so he'll have to come out." A boy smiled as he walked into the kitchen, this was, without a doubt, Hoseok.

"Yeah, but I guess you won't really have to deal with him." Another boy said as he walked by. This was Taehyung.

"Wow, I don't see you two often." I smirked. Hoseok shrugged as he picked up a bowl.

"We don't come out of the room often, plus we don't talk to girls." Taehyung smiled. I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

"What kind of guys don't talk to girls?" I muttered.

"Socially awkward teenagers." Jimin called from the table after hearing my comment. I shrugged in agreement. A few moments later we heard a knock on the door, seven young women rushed into the dorm and called for each of the boys.

"So, what exactly am I going to be doing?" I asked nobody in particular.

"We actually did call someone for your hair and makeup, but I don't know where they are." Namjoon said, trying to stay still so that the woman could do his makeup more easily.

"Wow." I rolled my eyes and turned around to find a woman, surely younger than me, staring at me.

"Are you the eighth member? The girl?" The girl asked.

"Um, yeah, I guess so." I responded slowly and cautiously. The girl smiled widely and grabbed my arm, pushing me into a chair and setting a box up nearby.

"Oh, looks like you have the best of the best working on you." Namjoon smiled, earning a glare from the woman doing his makeup.

"You know this how exactly?" I questioned.

"That is Mei, she's the leader of our makeup artists. The best of the best. She was exited to hear that she had a female to work with now, but I didn't think she'd show up in person." Namjoon explained. I stared at the woman in awe. She looked far to young to be the leader of anything.

"Wow. So young too." I muttered to myself. Mei looked surprised at the statement.

"Oh dear, no. I'm thirty-six, I'm actually not nearly as young as I look." Mei smiled, flattered that I thought she was younger.

"No way! You look like a teenager still!" I shouted. Mei giggled and continued her work. After about an hour or two of constant makeup, the women packed up their things and began to leave.

"It was wonderful meeting you, really. I'm so glad these boys will be exposed to a girl for once, I mean aside from my team. They don't know how to deal with women at all, maybe you can change that. Anyway, good luck, I'm sure you'll need it." Mei smiled as she turned around and walked down the stairs with the other seven women.

"Okay, does anybody know what she's even going to be doing in the photoshoot? What's the plan?" I heard Jungkook ask. The boys were standing in a circle in their black suits and maroon dress shirts. They all looked quite handsome.

"Calm down. I know what she's doing, the photographer knows what she's doing. That's all that matters right now." Namjoon shushed the boy.

"Does she even know what she's doing?" Suga asked. Namjoon stayed silent for a moment.

"Just wait until we actually get to the shoot." Namjoon growled. I didn't really care what I'd be doing at the shoot, I was only focusing on my rather provocative outfit. It was a skin tight, strapless​ dress that was leather black on both sides and a silky maroon down the middle.

"We leaving now?" I asked and all eyes shifted to me.

"Uh, yeah, hold up." Namjoon nodded and gave all of the boys a glance before walking past me and out the door. Soon enough, everyone followed and they were on their way to the shoot.

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