What Now?

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     "Fuck." Yoongi sighed as he stared at the picture blankly. Namjoon was pacing the small living room as he tried his best not to freak out, Taehyung and Hoseok were both muttering things to each other as they eyed me up and down, Jungkook was staring at his phone as he listed off every site that he found the image on (46 so far), Jin had gone to get PD Nim, and Jimin was attempting to calm me down as I started crying. I wasn't crying because I was sad, I just felt overwhelmed and lord knows I had reason to be. The image of Yoongi and I kissing was on just about every popular news site and not a single one of us could come up with a fake excuse as to what was going on in the picture. There is no possible explanation other than "we were kissing".

     "Alright, okay, let's just all calm down. We've got options. We can say nothing, which may lead to the ultimate assumption that Yoongi is dating a girl, or we can just tell everybody that he is in fact dating a girl. The only issue with this is that people are going to want to know who this girl is and if they find out it was you, there could be a lot of issues. People may say you only were able to join BTS because you are Yoongi's girlfriend, or you could just be harrased for no real reason. Either way, it's bad." Namjoon explained.

     "So, we say nothing." Yoongi nodded.

     "But if we do that fans may not trust us anymore. We don't lie to the fans, that's an unspoken rule." Jimin chimed in, concerned.

     "We wouldn't be lying, we just wouldn't be saying anything." Taehyung offered.

     "That kind of thinking is what gets you in trouble. If you aren't telling the truth then you're lying, end of story." Jungkook growled back, agitation evident in his tone.

     "So what, then? We can't tell the truth, we can't lie. So what do we do?" I asked, voice weak compared to everybody else's. Jungkook open his mouth to speak before shutting it once more as if he was unsure of his words. A moment passed before Jungkook spoke.

     "ARMY's are considerate and openminded, I'm sure if we explain everything to them and hide nothing then the result will be good." Jungkook nodded. Everybody exchanged glances, as if a silent conversation, before nodding in agreement.

     "Won't that ruin the reveal, though?" Hoseok asked, thinking of all the hard work they had done to keep this secret.

     "The reveal is only a few weeks away now, we can postpone the response until then." Namjoon reassured everyone. Everyone nodded in agreement once more before a door opened and everyone turned to find Jin and PD Nim.

     "Perfect timing, we've figured things out already. I'll fill you in on everything." Namjoon motioned for the two to enter the living room. The rest of the day was spent discussing how everything would work out.

This is super short and kinda sucky, so I'm really sorry about that. I've still got an intense case of writer's block, I'm hoping it will go away over the summer. The book is also going to be coming to an end soon, but I'll make sure to spend lots of time on writing the final chapters to make them really good.

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