How Much Is This?

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I woke up that morning to the smell of roasting coffee and eggs that made me think for a moment back to when I was just a child and my mother would cook in the morning. I groggily sat up, expecting to see Suga laying down on the couch with me, but he wasn't. I stood up and trudged to the kitchen, passing by Hoseok and Taehyung, who were obviously have some kind of important discussion.

"Morning, princess." Suga smirked, handing me a mug of coffee.

"Morning." I said, throat scratchy from waking up.

"Sit down, I made you some breakfast." Suga ordered, pointing to one of two empty chairs. The other chairs there were occupied by Jimin and Jungkook. I sat down and Suga was quick to set a plate in front of me, followed by another one for himself as he sat down beside me.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked, looking at Suga.

"Namjoon and Jin? They're still sleeping, they were up late last night from what I heard." Jimin laughed, earning a kick from Suga under the table. I gave a nod at the other boy followed by a hum before looking back to Suga.

"What are we doing today?" I asked, sipping from my mug.

"I'm going to the studio to work on some lyrics. Now, eat." Suga said hurriedly, practically stuffing his face with food. I smiled at how adorable he was and began eating, myself. It didn't take Suga long to finish his food and jump up from the table, cleaning his mess and rushing to get his stuff together.

"Wait, Suga, can I go?" I asked. He stared at me for a moment with his eyebrow raised before sighing.

"Yeah, sure." He mumbled, walking over to sit on the couch. I quickly finished my food and got dressed, deciding not to put on any makeup.

"Okay, in ready." I smiled, standing in front of Suga.

"No makeup today, princess?" Suga smirked, standing up and lightly pushing me towards the door.

"Ha ha, very funny." I smiled, shaking my head at him. It took us the usual time to get to the studio and, once there, Suga didn't speak to me. He was far too caught up in his work to even remember I was there, instead I just played on my phone and waited patiently, occasionally going through the drawers in his desk just because I was curious.

"Hey, come here, does this look good to you?" Suga said, waving for me to come to him, but not looking up from his paper. I rushed to his side, looking over his shoulder at the lyrics, they were honestly pretty great.

"Wow, you're going to sing that? It so cute and romantic." I smiled. Suga seemed a bit thrown off by this and looked up at me.

"I'm a rapper, I don't sing. Besides, these are Jungkook's lyrics." Suga corrected. Now that I thought about it, I don't know any of the members positions in the group, I never really asked.

"Oh, okay well then what are your lines?" I asked, he looked at me as if I were stupid.

"I haven't written them yet, but it definitely won't be so lovey-dovey." Suga rolled his eyes at the thought.

"Well, I look forward to seeing it." I smiled, glancing back at the lyrics he had already scribbled down. We sat in silence for a moment, me staring at his lyrics and him staring at me.

"Are you hungry? I'm starving. We should go eat." Suga said, quickly standing up and grabbing his things, giving me no time to reply. He was soon pushing me out the door and in the blink of an eye, we were at a restaurant. The place was quite fancy and definitely not somewhere I would've expected Suga to go. There were decorative golden pillars and fancy chandeliers throughout the place.

"This place looks really nice, Suga, I'm surprised you can afford it." I said, quiet enough so that only Suga heard it.

"You know Suga isn't my real name, right? Call me Yoongi. Anyway, I'm an idol, I make money." Yoongi smiled, glancing down at his menu. I nodded and glanced down to my menu as well, the prices were outragous and I knew I wouldn't be able to afford anything.

"Suga- I mean, Yoongi, I can't afford this stuff." I muttered, extremely embarrassed. Yoongi smirked at me and set down his menu.

"Don't worry, princess, I'm paying." Yoongi chuckled.

"I feel bad, wasting your money like this." I sighed, staring down at the pricey menu.

"Don't worry about it. Order whatever you want, I don't mind." Yoongi switched to a serious tone, staring at me contently.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes, picking up the menu and looking for the cheapest thing possible. It was Ox Bone Soup.

"Would you two like some more time or are you ready to order?" A woman asked as she approached us.

"Yes, we're ready." Yoongi replied, giving me a glance to go ahead and order.

"Right, I'll have Ox Bone Soup and a glass of water, that's all." I said quickly. Yoongi gave me a glare of disapproval, noticing I had ordered as cheap as possible.

"We'll have pork bulgogi, Korean barbecue, and your most expensive bottle of wine." Yoongi ordered, picking up his menu and handing it to the waitress. I did the same and the waitress rushed back to the kitchen.

"I can't believe you ordered so much, they were so expensive." I nagged. Yoongi rolled his eyes at me.

"I can't believe you ordered such cheap things. So, I ordered more for you." Yoongi sighed. He was obviously annoyed by my cheap taste. It didn't take long for the wine to make it to our table along with two glasses. Yoongi poured one for me first, although I argued with him about it at first.

"I don't want any, it's too expensive, you should drink it." I protested, pushing the glass towards him.

"Really, you get on my nerves sometimes. Just drink it, I ordered it for both of us." Yoongi was using his demanding tone again, sliding the glass back over to me.

"Fine, alright, I'll drink it." I sighed, reluctantly picking up the glass and sipping at it.

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