It's Raining?

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Yoongi was quite literally drunk off his ass. He had fallen at least eight  times, as we walked down the sidewalk.

"Princess, your so nice, princess." Yoongi shouted as I helped him up again.

"Be quiet, your too loud." I scolded, letting him prop himself up by putting an arm around my neck.

"Princess~." Yoongi laughed, nuzzling his face into my neck.

"Yoongi, stop." I growled. Of course, that didn't stop him.

"Princess~. Princess~." He continued, slurring the word more and more each time he said it.

"You're so... difficult!" I shouted in frustration, moving his face away from my neck.

"I love you too, princess." Yoongi smiled, eyes half open. This was it, the last straw.

"I can't believe you!" I shouted, pushing his arm off of me and moving away from him. He almost fell, but caught himself before he did.

"Princess-" Yoongi began, but I was quick to cut him off.

"Stop calling me that!" I could feel my eyes burning and my vision getting blurry. Yoongi stared at me with wide eyes, obviously sobering up now.

"How can you be this selfish? Have you ever stopped to think for a minute that maybe these jokes of yours have meaning to me?" I asked, throwing my purse at him in anger. He continued to stare at me without saying anything.

"Why don't you say something you asshole?" I screamed, feeling like a complete idiot at this point. Yoongi stared for a moment more before straightening up and licking his lips, letting out a long sigh.

"None of it was a joke, I meant everything I said." Yoongi said, hesitantly stepping forward, but stopping when I stepped back.

"If that's true then..." I stopped, not wanting to say anything myself.

"I meant it. I love you." Yoongi said in a near whisper, stepping closer to me and pulling me into a hug. I could feel his hands shaking, it was like he was scared to let go of me because I might run away. We stood there, him holding me like that, for what seemed like hours, but was likely only minutes.

"Let's go somewhere." Yoongi said quickly.

"Where?" I asked.

"Anywhere." He smiled sheepishly. It was the first time I'd ever seen him look like that. He grabbed my hand and led me through the streets and into a park, it had barely any light and honestly looked sketchy.

"Here, we can sit down on the park bench and look at the stars." Yoongi smiled, looking up into the sky.

"Didn't know you were the stargazing type." I smirked, glancing at Yoongi.

"Just shut up and look at the stars." Yoongi laughed, pushing me towards the bench. I sat down and it didn't take long before Yoongi sat next to me.

"So, what now?" I asked, staring up at the stars.

"Now you look at the stars." Yoongi smiled.

"You know that's not what I meant." I grunted, not in the mood for games. His smile faded slightly to a more serious look.

"Yeah, I know what you meant." Yoongi sighed. He shifted slightly and then laid his head down on my lap, looking up at the stars still.

"Obviously you're my girlfriend now." Yoongi smirked, grabbing my hand and entwining our fingers. I didn't want to admit how happy I was to hear that.

"You didn't even ask me." I muttered, trying and failing to hide a smile. It hadn't been more than ten minutes before we heard thunder.

"Shit." Yoongi mumbled, sitting up and looking at me.

"We should go." I said, before Yoongi could. He gave me a smile and stood up, pulling me up with him. We began to walk out of the park and onto the street, we didn't get far before it started pouring.

"Where did this even come from?" Yoongi shouted to me over the roar of the rain as we ran towards our dorm.

"I have no-" I was cut short when I slipped on the slick sidewalk. I closed my eyes, bracing for impact, but it never came.

"You okay, Princess?" I heard Yoongi ask. I slowly opened my eyes to find Yoongi staring worriedly at me.

"Yeah." I stuttered out, reaching down to touch the sidewalk. I wasn't far off the ground and was extremely lucky to have been caught.

"Thank God." Yoongi sighed. He looked more frightened than me.

"Sorry, I should've been more careful." I apologized.

"It's fine, I'm just happy you're okay." Yoongi smiled, helping me to stand up. When I was finally on my feet, the two of us were standing a little too close together. I could feel Yoongi's breath on me and, surprisingly, it didn't make me uncomfortable. I finally brought myself to look up at him. His hair was soaked and beads of water were running down his face, but his eyes were locked on my lips.

He hesitantly leaned forward placing his lips just in front of mine before stopping, as if waiting for permission. I stayed completely still, unable to move. I felt Yoongi slightly brush his lips against mine before retreating again, sending chills up my spine with the contact. I could feel Yoongi smirk and realized that he wasn't waiting for permission, he was teasing me.

"Are you going to kiss me or-"

Yoongi took the opportunity to kiss me, mid sentence, making it easier to slip his tongue in my mouth. Yoongi wrapped his arms around my waste. We stood there for an eternity, kissing until Yoongi finally pulled away, breathing heavily.

"We should get home." Yoongi suggested, licking his lips and stepping away from me. I looked around, remembering the rain that we were standing in.

"Yeah." I nodded, letting out a little laugh.

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