Do You Get It?

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"I was in the shower for like thirty minutes, how are you not ready yet?" Suga growled as he stared at me, primping in the mirror. 

"I'm dressed, I just need to finish my makeup." I explained, trying not to mess up on my eyeliner.

"We're going to be alone and you'll get sweaty." Suga protested.

"Fine! Fine, I will go without makeup, let me wipe it off!" I shouted, throwing aside my makeup and looking for some makeup wipes. Suga let out a long sigh and grabbed my hand to stop me.

"Ignore me. If you want to wear the makeup, go ahead." Suga said softly. He tended to sound like that whenever he thought he may have hurt me.

"Okay, then stop complaining." I muttered. I picked my eyeliner back up and continued.


"Done?" Suga asked, leaning against the door frame.

"Yes." I responded, obviously still angry.

"Come on, don't be like that, princess." Suga held out his hand to guide me through the house.

"Quit calling me princess, it's weird." I growled, looking away from him and ignoring his hand.

"I will not stop calling you princess, because you are a princess. Well, at least you act like one." Suga followed close behind me.

"You're really annoying."

"So are you."

"Fuck you."

"When and where?" Suga smirked and glanced at me, I couldn't help but grin at his comment.

"What are you, twelve?" I laughed, Suga didn't care about my comment.

"Look at that, you're smiling again." Suga grinned as he stared at me.

"Quit staring." I said in a hushed tone, smacking his shoulder. He dramatically grabbed his shoulder as if I actually hurt him.

"I'm hit." Suga closed his eyes and fell onto the wall dramatically.

"Wow." I shook my head as I stared at him. He started laughing again as he opened his eyes and stood up, continuing to walk with me.

"Hey, so why did you choose this song to dance to? Isn't it, kind of, you know, sexual?" I questioned. Suga stopped for a moment before just as quickly resuming his walking.

"Well, you're going to have to learn to dance like that with anyone, so...." Suga drifted off.


We were at the studio in no time and Suga began teaching me without the music first.

"No, no, you're not doing the leg movements right." Suga corrected you for what seemed like the hundredth time already.

"This dance is too hard!" I whined, flopping onto the floor.

"You give up too easily." Suga sighed, sitting down next to me.

"You should've started me out with something easier." I laid back on the floor.

"Bitchy." Suga muttered.

"Hey! Don't call me that!" I shouted, jolting up from my lying down position.

"At least try. If you can't at least do the leg movements by the end of the day, I'll switch the choreography." Suga sighed. I thought for a moment before nodding and standing up.

"Okay, fine." I agreed. Suga was quick to get up and begin teaching again, he seemed a little too eager for this song.

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