4 AM?

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I slowly opened my eyes, I felt very cold and I didn't know why. It felt as if somebody had snatched a blanket off of me, but my blanket was still there. I sat up and looked around, grabbing at the side table for my phone. I turned it on and the bright screen nearly blinded me, but after a moment I saw the time. 4:03 AM.

"Why me?" I whined silently. I was about to try to go back to sleep when I realized that something was missing. Messy black hair and a peacefully handsome face.

"Suga?" I whispered. I didn't expect a response. I quickly stood up and turned on my phone flashlight, walking very carefully towards the door. I felt like I was the dumb protagonist of a horror movie. I thought for sure that the zombie apocalypse had just begun and beyond the door I would find all seven members completely zombified and the audience was most definitely yelling at me to not open the door, but I will.

I slowly turned the knob and pushed the door open, stepping out when I heard nothing. I walked down the hall and peeked into the living room, finding nothing. I continued on into the kitchen and was surprised to find nothing there either.

"He wouldn't have gone into one of the other guy's rooms would he?" I asked myself. I sighed and shook my head, beginning to walk back to my room, but then I saw something that nearly stopped my heart. A small movement in the living room. I slowly turned to look at the thing, expecting to find a zombie ready to lunge. To my surprise, it wasn't a zombie at all. Jimin was laying peacefully on the couch, clinging to Jungkook. Jimin must have shuffled around in his sleep.

I stared at the two for a moment, wondering how they could sleep so peacefully like that. I had been staring long enough for it to be weird when I realized that a pair of eyes were watching me. Another man was laying on the loveseat next to the couch, staring at me curiously.

"What are you doing up so early?" The boy called quietly. It was a very familiar voice that couldn't be mistaken, Suga. I silently walked over to him and crouched on the floor next to him.

"I felt cold, so I couldn't sleep." I sighed.

"Why didn't you use a blanket?" Suga asked.

"Of course, I did. Anyway, what are you doing out here?" I asked.

"I woke up and couldn't stop tossing and turning, I didn't want to wake you, so I came out here." He responded quickly. I nodded and glanced over to the two love birds on the couch.

"What about them?" I asked curiously.

"Jungkook probably fell asleep on his phone out here. Jimin wouldn't want to wake him up so he'd just come out here to sleep with him, that's probably what happened." Suga shrugged as he finished. I nodded and looked back at Suga, not sure what to say or do next.

"Are you still tired?" Suga asked. I only nodded in response and Suga scooted to the very back of the couch, patting what was left in front of him.

"You want me to sleep out here?" I asked.

"If you don't want to then don't. I just thought it'd be warmer than the room." Suga growled.

"No, no. I'll sleep here." I said quickly. I crawled up next to him and layed down, my body seemed to fit perfectly with his. It was a little close for comfort, but he was so warm that I didn't care. I fell asleep almost instantly.

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