Excuse Me?

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"What. The. Fuck." I heard a low growl from behind me. I stretched out my arms and yawned before turning around to see who had spoken. The only thing I saw when I opened my eyes was a clothed chest lifted slightly off the bed and as my gaze traveled upwards I saw a very surprised and angry Suga.

"Get the fuck out!" Suga shouted as he shoved me off of the bed. I squealed as I hit the floor, I was more scared of his shouting than of actually getting hurt.

"You're the one who fell asleep on my side of the bed!" I shouted back as I stood up from the floor.

"I didn't know you'd be stupid- no-go slutty enough to actually try to sleep here!" Suga retaliated. My eyes widened at what he had just said.

"Excuse me?" I practically screamed. I could feel tears of frustration burning at my eyes.

"You heard me." Suga growled, perking up an eyebrow. I opened my mouth to speak only to close it again. To be completely honest, what he just said was probably the worst insult I had ever received. Tears began streaming down my face and Suga's eyes widened at the sight.

"W-why are you crying?" Suga stuttered. His harsh tone faltered now as he spoke. I refused to look at him and bolted to the door, but he beat me there. He put his hand against the door and pushed me back slightly.

"Listen, I didn't-" Suga was cut off by the door being forced open. Namjoon stepped into the room and stared at Suga disapprovingly before grabbing me by the hand and bringing me to the living room.

"I'm so sorry about him." Namjoon whispered as he urged for me to sit on the couch. I wiped my eyes and we sat in silence for a moment before somebody else entered the room.

"I'm sorry that our Yoongi is so mean." A boy said in a pouty tone as he hugged me from behind the couch.

"Taehyung, give her some space." Jungkook called from the chair that he had been sitting in, unnoticed.

"What? Is everybody going to say some kind words and think it'll make everything better?" I sniffled. Namjoon looked as though he was about to respond, but his expression quickly changed to something that seemed almost angry and his gaze traveled over my head. After a moment of wondering why Namjoon looked like that, I realized what it was.

He is behind me.

"Can I talk to her?" Suga asked. Namjoon's eyebrows furrowed at this.

"I'm not the one you should be asking." Namjoon barked. His tone seemed so much different than usual.

"(R/N), can I talk to you?" Suga asked again. I stayed silent, not really wanting to see him. "Please." He added.

I nodded slowly. Hearing him say something like that was very new and told me that he was at least trying. I stood up and walked to the room, Suga allowed me to enter first. Suga shut the door and we stood in silence for a moment.

"I didn't mean to make you upset, at least, not that upset." Suga began.

"Why can't you just not try to upset me at all?" I immediately asked.

"I just don't like people especially when they're invading my personal space." Suga sighed. "However, I'm trying to get used to it. It's just a little difficult."

"You're difficult." I muttered.

"Hey!" Suga shouted. "See this is why we fight, you've got a smart mouth and it annoys me."

"Okay, I'm sorry." I sighed. He had a point, this wasn't entirely his fault. Suga sighed and sat down at the foot of the bed.

"I'll try to be nicer. I didn't know you were fragile enough to get upset over something like that, you don't seem like that kind of girl." Suga growled. That sounded to me like a half compliment.

"Okay, then I guess I'll try to stop being mean to you." A smile tugged at my mouth as I realized that we were at a truce.

"Alright. You can have the right side of the bed, I'll stay on my side. Also, you can use half of the dresser, I don't have much in it so most of the drawers are empty anyway." Suga explained as he stood up and walked towards the door.

"Thank you." I said quickly before he could leave.

"No problem." Suga responded after a moment. He left the room after that.

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