3: Timeless Night

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I gulped and knocked on the door, standing back as if the door would somehow swing and knock me back on my feet. The giggling stopped, footsteps nearing the door and swinging open, revealing Taehyung in only a tank-top and boxers. "Oh, Jungkook-goon? what are you doing back here?"

He asked me, tilting his head and ignoring my nervousness as if it were normal for me to curl up in myself.

"Uh..Well, Yoongi-hyung asked me to take these to Hoseok.. Is he here by any chance?" I ask, clearing my throat. Almost instantly, another head pops up from behind.

"You're kinda late, aren't ya kid?"

Hoseok chuckled, pulling Taehyung out from the doorway and taking the folder from my hands.

He's dressed in leather pants too, only instead of fox-furs he wears a loose-fitted tank, his biceps in full display. Taehyung hangs over Hoseok's shoulder again, his eyes studying my body carefully.

He furrows his brow and clicks his tongue, "Not bad.."

Before I could even open my mouth to ask what the hell his problem was, he dipped back into the room, leaving Hoseok to skim through the contents of the folder. "

"Alright, tell Yoongi-Hyung I'll pay him back later, and until then, I don't want to see you hanging back here by yourself." He said sternly, flicking my forehead before closing the door in my face.

Does anyone in this establishment know what manners are??


I retreated back to find Yoongi or maybe Seokjin, but they were already busy handling a few customers, so I ended up stationing myself next to Namjoon at the bar.

He was preparing what looked like our special, a peaches and cream with hint of apple-cider and dark rum.

"You see, the trick is you gotta pay attention to the customer's hands." He starts excitedly, passing out drinks like there's no tomorrow. "Fake ID's are easy to come across nowadays, and its easy to see if they are old enough or not, but if you really wanna catch those underage drinkers you have to take a glance at their posture." When Namjoon card's someone, he either nods or tosses the ID off of the bar. He's a bit aggressive to these kinds of things; saying he's going to save the world's youth with one less drink at a time.

I don't bother though.

"Hey they've started! Hurry up ya slow poke!"

A woman shouts out, loud enough to grab a few onlookers attentions. The main lights dim and the stage lights up in a beautiful midnight-blue hue. The crowd all grow loud, creating a messy pit in the front of the stage. I heave myself up on the bar, sitting on the edge just in time for Taehyung and a few others to run out to the center.

Taehyung, as small and weak-looking as he is, he starts off with strength in his steps, his waist following suit to the beat of  BOMB(라비 (RAVI) - BOMB)

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Taehyung, as small and weak-looking as he is, he starts off with strength in his steps, his waist following suit to the beat of  BOMB(라비 (RAVI) - BOMB).

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