6: I Wish You Hadn't Seen That Happen

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"I see your well rested, did you stay up studying last night for that English exam?" Mother asked me when I came trudging down the stairs. She's sat at the table drinking coffee and reading a beauty magizine while Jung-hyun Hyung sits on the sofa, probably working on something again.

I shrug my shoulders and open the fridge to grab a bottled water.

"Hyunnie says you even asked him to test you, which is why the door was closed. I'm so proud of you boys." She hums to herself, my eyes darting to Hyun hyung. Mother has a strict rule about closed doors..

"He's real smart mama, so don't worry yourself and just let him study till as late as he wants." Hyung says aloud, and while mom nods in satisfaction and gets up to refill her glass, I practicaly tackle Jung-Hyun into the sofa.

"I thought I told you to tell her I'd be out?! And what's this English exam I'm supposed to be studying for?!" He only laughs and stuffs my head under his armpit

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"I thought I told you to tell her I'd be out?! And what's this English exam I'm supposed to be studying for?!" He only laughs and stuffs my head under his armpit.. Gross..

"Look kid, I had to go out last night, so I just told her I was helping you out. You know she'd murder you if she found out about your wandering adventures and bar job."

He's gotta point...

I manage to escape from the fires of his pit and roll my eyes. "I gotta get ready for work.. And ask Yoongi for an exam paper again.. But hey.."

I start, averting my gaze.

"Thanks for saving my ass..."


After telling mom I'd be with a study group for the night I ran downtown to the club. I decided to save my bus money for something else, walking with my blazer in one hand and a coke in the other. I was just about to turn the corner and enter through the side door when I hear voices in the nearby alley.

 I was just about to turn the corner and enter through the side door when I hear voices in the nearby alley

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"No! You don't fucking understand.. He needs the money now or we'll never fucking see him again!"

I can tell in an instant that the voice is Hoseok's, seeing him with his back turned and his hands gripping the collar of another man.

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