23: Breakfast In Paris

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"Sorry for the clutter

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"Sorry for the clutter." He says, closing the door behind me once I've stopped to look around.

The room smelled like freshly washed sheets and lemons, an off but satisfying smell.

"Here, I'll be a good boyfriend and let you borrow my clothes."

Hoseok tosses me a plain long sleeve shirt and white shorts, the beige material on the shirt pretty thin.

I duck into the bathroom after he points it out, changing quickly into the clothing that I hope at least smells like his masculine musk.

However, the smell of last night's work sticks to my skin, and I'll most likely have gotten my own scent on the latter.

"Was there a reason why I needed to change?"

I asked aloud, coming out of the bathroom with my clothes in a bundle in my hands.

The plan originally was for him to change, not me. When did everything switch?

"Yep! I figured you might want to get away from the smell of alcohol and cigarettes for a while. Besides, where we're going you'll feel more comfortable like this."

Hoseok smiles at me, his hand on my neck as he pulls me close to connect lips.

His spell enchants me, my mind shutting down as I follow him yet again out of the dorm and onto the main street.

Hoseok insisted on walking, so I followed with my hands stuffed in my pockets until he pulled my hand out and interlaced our fingers tight. His hand had become much softer, the thought of linens wrapped around his fingers becoming a daydream.

"I know you're too tired to be all lovey-dovey, but could you humor me?"

He's right.. I'm far too clouded to think or crave anything other than my bed. But I try, pulling myself close so our shoulders practically touch as we walk.


The road we'd been traveling on lead to a humongous building. Windows took the place of walls; grass as green as mint chocolate chip ice cream.

The smell of melted butter and sweet cheese filled my nose, my mind snapping back to reality as we step inside.

"Welcome to Paris."

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