9: Hyung

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"Listen to me before you start running your mouth. Understand me?" 

Hoseok tells me, pinning my forearms to the back of the door. I decide to hear him out, that, and I have no strength in me to push him off so I'm pretty much stuck.

"About yesterday.. I'm.. I'm sorry."

His face crinkles with regret, his eyes looking watery as he doesn't look up at me to meet my stunned expressions. His apology is quite lame- but you can tell he means it by the way his fingers curl around my skin tight.

"You're a curious kid.. and I know that now. I shouldn't have released my anger out onto you when you've done nothing but shown my brother's kindness.. Jimin's grown quite fond of you, Taehyung also stepping up to know more about you." 

He finally lets go of my arms, pulling out a white envelope and extending it forward.

"What is thi-"

"It's $300 to cover medical expenses so you can get checked out, and another $200." 

My eyes widen. 

I can't take Hoseok's money.. As tempting as it is, I just can't..

"I'm fine, so please, keep your money and use it to help towards freeing your friend.." I sputter out, Hoseok looking down at his hands, nodding quietly after my refusal.

"And it's not my friend who's in trouble.. It's my step brother."


Hoseok and I found ourselves sitting on the bar roof again, our legs hanging off the side as we each take turns throwing little rocks down at the cars driving below. He told me about his step brother who actually isn't related to him at all, but still counted on Hoseok for brotherly guidance. He was like Jimin and Taehyung, belonging to no one but Hoseok's kind heart. Unfortunately, his step brother mistook his teachings as a contract of rebellious and reckless acts.

 He was arrested for 2nd degree murder and attempted robbery, being sent back to his home country where he'll serve 45 years without parole.

"I planned on sending him money so he could use it during his sentence, but because I don't have a stable income, I'm not allowed to send overseas."

He explains with a sigh, rubbing his forehead and almost forcing a smile of regret and pain.

"He's gone now.. But I shouldn't let this sway me- I have the others to look after now." 

My chest tightens at the sound of his voice. It sounds so sincere.. Full of purity and innocence, but his hands are full of dirt. He works hard all for the likeness of others.. But why?


I call him, startling him slightly. No words following after.

"Thank you." 

Reaching up, I place my hand on top of his head, his hair soft and entangling in between my fingers that almost curl up.

"Thank you for protecting so many people... It's not easy right? I'm sorry it's burdening...But you've done good.. Really good. Okay?"

I speak softly.

I figured even a strong and independent man such as himself needed to hear praise once in a while. It feels nice to be rewarded and thanked when you've worked so hard. The look on his face softens too, his eyes closing as he nods his head. He doesn't look upset or emotional, instead, he looks as if he's just.. Exhausted.


We stayed silent in comfort for a few more hours, deciding after a while that we'd rather be put to work in the kitchen then let our skin freeze. So we climbed back down and headed in through the front, where the usual evening patrons had already began to sprinkle in. 

Seokjin was pretty pissed off I'd left him to set up by himself, but Hoseok explained to him we had to deal out certain circumstances, taking up an apron and taking what should be my spot at the dishwasher. He starts right away, leaving me to just look at him in a confused daze.

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