19: Small Steps

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"Hey Jungkook, I'm sure there's a handful of chores you could be doing.. Why are you wiping the bar?"

Seokjin asks, annoyed I haven't moved from this spot for almost 20 minutes now. Of course, Yoongi usually does this job since it gives him time to rest before opening, but he hasn't shown up yet; which is perfect for me since Alpha Blue has been on stage rehearing.

Hoseok and a few others sit along the back wall, and by the looks of it, it seems as if none of them had even been able to catch a wink of sleep

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Hoseok and a few others sit along the back wall, and by the looks of it, it seems as if none of them had even been able to catch a wink of sleep.

Then again.. being a viral part of their entire corporation must come with a few downsides.

I hadn't gotten around to telling the others that Hoseok and I have started a mutual relationship.. I mean, how am I supposed to just bring it up so casually?

Yoongi might tell me I'm stupid for getting myself involved:

Seokjin might yell at me for not telling him immediately, though would feel pleased I found someone other than everyone here to pester.

Namjoon wouldn't care unless it involves the  bar.

I have nothing to worry about... yet, why am I so nervous?

"Can I get something to drink?"

Hoseok's voice brings me out of my own internal anxiety, sitting and leaning against the bar.
"Ooh, what a sexy bartender."

He teases, making me chuckle while I get out a glass.

"How's practice?" Giving him something light to drink.

"Exhausting.. but since we aren't performing tonight I get to let everyone go early."

Hoseok thanks me for the drink and reaches over with his free hand, being grabby as he holds my hand and plays with my fingers.

"When do you get off work?"

It's only Wednesday, which means I'm doing nothing but dishes until dawn.

"Too late for you to wait for me. Go home early and get some sleep."

I tell him, his lips lifting into a smile.

He opens his mouth to speak, but Seokjin invades our moment by his presence alone.

"Stop messing around here and unlock the doors, Kook." He says, observing us both.

I slip my hand away from Hoseok's, slipping away after shrugging my shoulders.

It hasn't even been a hot minute and I'm already missing the warmth from his rough yet warm hands.
I do as I'm told and unlock the front doors, a few people trickling in.

When I look back towards the bar, Hoseok is gone.

The other members that had been on the stage, also gone.

Almost as if they hadn't been there in the first place.

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