4: Contrail

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Ever since meeting and talking face to face with the Alpha Blue members, I'd come to realize how.. childish they act when they aren't in front of a crowd. Jimin and Taehyung both visit Monster Lotto quite often, sitting in the lounge or asking Seokjin for chores to do when their phones run out of juice.

Taehyung finds every possible way to annoy me... Not only does he hide my change of clothes, but he thinks its funny to leave footprints along the freshly mopped floors.

 Not only does he hide my change of clothes, but he thinks its funny to leave footprints along the freshly mopped floors

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There's just something about those two that really make me feel like I'm some type of doll or puppet.

Well, I guess its cool In the sense that I'm close to members of such an elite group. Taehyung tells me that he joined specifically after seeing Hoseok dance in a competition somewhere outside of Seoul. Jimin said he'd been a contemporary dancer ever since he was Middle School, but gradually became accustomed to Hip-hop and Bounce when he met Hoseok and his dance group almost 4 years ago.

Apparently this guy has been a major developer to the actual facility, which makes sense why he's barely out and about.


"Hyung, you're friends with Jung Hoseok right?" I ask Yoongi who just about lost it in a fit of laughter. "Eh? You think I'm friends with that overworked monkey? Not a chance, I'm just his supplier." He says, leaning over the counter and looking around to see if anyone else was listening.

"That man doesn't like exploiting his crew to all the dangers of prejudice and shit, which is why he pushes his kids to places where he knows they'll be accepted."

Yoongi babbles. He glances at Jimin and Taehyung who are busy teasing Seokjin's strangely shaped fingers.

"Why are you so interested anyway? What do you know?"

I bite my lip, thinking whether its a good idea to tell him what my hyungs' told me yesterday afternoon... Maybe they told me because they knew I wouldn't tell, but Yoongi's not a bad person... a loud-mouth, but not someone who would try to hurt Hoseok. Well, I hope not.

"I was just wondering since I don't see him with the others.." I finally respond with a sigh.


Taking out the trash, I'm hit in the face with the winter's icy night, and instead of retreating back inside, I do what I usually do when there's just so much on my mind. I step up on top of the garbage can and climb up on the roof.

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