12: Dried Lips

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After saying something so saddening and mood-ruining, Hoseok became eerily quiet. We were close to the dorms, but instead of walking towards it, we walked right by it, the older insisting on showing me something.

"Its isn't that far away, I promise you'll be home before Seokjin even has the decency to notice."

He said, leaving me even more confused.


We walked for what seemed like forever, the sound of our shoes hitting the pavement echoing in my ears like a drum.

It was getting colder, but that's to be expected when Christmas was just around the corner. Usually around this time my family would get together and exchange names for secret santa- but it doesn't look I'll be returning for the season.

Maybe I'll go find my dad- he's bound to have finished his 11 years, so maybe he's still in the country.

"Here we are. The place that started it all." Hoseok finally spoke, grabbing my arm and pulling me inside a building.

"Where are we?"

He ignored my questions and opened doors, dust and cobwebs polluting the air. The wooden boards were growing mold; the ceiling looking as if it would collapse at any moment.

"I was a street kid that hid under the noses of snobs, so to get away from everything, I came here to watch the adults dance."

Hoseok spoke.

"Watching them inspired me to dance really, and I did everything I could to beat exceptional."

We walked into the room he was looking for, an old studio, with broken mirrors and dust-ridden floors. The windows covered the entire room with light.

Hoseok turned around to face me, his expression neither cold nor warm

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Hoseok turned around to face me, his expression neither cold nor warm.
"I want this room to bring you just as much passion as it did to me. Because with us, you'll always be where you're supposed to be."

He practically whispered.

"Don't ever call yourself useless."

I gazed around, ignoring his words and trying to imagine this place in its prime. People dancing and chatting about the future. It's walls containing happiness. I tried to imagine Hoseok with the biggest kid-like smile, tumbling around with just as much enthusiasm. This place breathes so much history. Most of it belonging to Hoseok.

"This place really is incr-"

But before I could even finish my words, Hoseok presses his lips, the ones that I saw curving so well, now against my own.

My lips were chapped and burning from his heat, but a part of me couldn't pull away just yet.

It felt right.

But oh, it's just so wrong.

I push on his chest and let my head hang, staring at our shoes. My neck burning from embarrassment.

What just happened?

"I'm sorry.. You were looking at me so strangely that I couldn't help myself.."

He mumbles on.

My tongue is caught in my throat, unable to even utter a word.

My first real kiss, given to me here in such a place.. How rebellious.

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