17: Body Against Body

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"Why is it that you now know all of me.. yet, I don't know even a single thing about you.."

Hoseok mutters under his breath, standing next to me and drying off the memories of tonight's dinner. I wash and hand them to him as if I were a machine, earning a few hip-bumps here and there to bring me back out of my racing thoughts.

"Eh? Ah.. I guess I just haven't found the time to tell you much of anything."
I answer, paying attention to the pile of dishes at my side.

"Do you not visit your parents? Siblings?"

I let out a sigh. The people who are supposed to be my parents are last on my mind..

"Ah.. I haven't been home since moving in with Jin." I say plainly. "And I haven't visited my dad either.. We weren't allowed to."

He nods his head, his expression not changing.

"25 years..."

I say this almost too quietly, letting the water run down the drain as I lean against the metal sink.

"My dad was sentenced to the maximum of 25 years for kidnapping in the 2nd degree.."

Hoseok becomes deadly silent, reaching over to turn the tap off, only creating a bigger silence.

"Kidnapping... who..?"

He asks cautiously.



I remembered it as if it had just happened days ago

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I remembered it as if it had just happened days ago.. the smell of burning rubber and the sound of distant sirens.

But no... its not the time for reminiscing on the past..not now at least.

"But hey, all that was in the past." I chuckle, sorry I'd become such a gloomy character.

"My older brother would like you- He draws people like you."

I turn back to the dishes, finishing up the last few glasses.

"Like me?" He repeats questionably.

"Yeah, somebody handsome and toned- full of character and mystery."

Hoseok doesn't say anything, but I hear him move around behind me. My brother finds interest in drawing real people rather than creating from the figments of his imagination.

"Maybe I'll introduce you-"

Turning around, I find out just how close the elder is, his arms trapping me in as I lean against the sink.

"I- uh.. Yah.. What do you expect to do..like this."

I mumble, his face so close that I can't help but stare at his eyelashes.

"I crave sweets... Spicy chicken and beer.. things with honey and lots of sugar.. but right now, I've never craved a person like I'm craving you right now."

He whispers, his hot breath hitting my cheek.

And then

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And then.. Our lips collide once more, but this time, by my own choice of movement.

Eyes fluttering closed, my lips dance along Hoseok's, his hands having subconsciously rested along my waist pulling our bodies together.

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