5: All Too Quickly

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"I guess that makes two of us.."

Hoseok mumbled, sitting on the edge and sliding off onto the can with a loud bang.

Damn, just when I thought we were getting closer.. I have to ruin it all. Did I say something to offend him? What the hell even happened?!


After about another or so of freezing my ass off, I hop down and stumble back in through the back door. The mixture between soft jazz and hot air hit my arms, causing me to shiver slightly.

"Yah! Jungkookie! Where the hell have you been?!" Jimin hyung questions as I sit on a barstool. The place is practically empty, though the cause of it is probably because its almost 6:30 in the morning.

"Seokjin just left half an hour ago, so you missed your free ride." Namjoon chuckles, ruffling my hair and handing me a cup of coffee. Jimin sits beside me and blows on the brown liquid before letting me drink, and for once, I start to cringe from being treated like such a baby.

"Where have you been?" He asks again, this time in a much calmer tone of voice.

"Just out. I went and took a walk, but lost track of time." I respond, smiling and taking a sip from Namjoon's specialty drink.

Sometimes I think he should open a café rather than a nightclub.


Jimin rolls his eyes and tugs on the ends of my hair. "Hoseok was just here, but he seemed to be in a pretty crappy mood, so Yoongi practically sent him home no questions asked." He says with a sigh. "TaeTae went with him just in case, but now I'm left all by myself.." Jimin groans and grabs my hand, pulling me with him to the lounge.

Sunlight pours into the empty room, which just makes me even more irritated

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Sunlight pours into the empty room, which just makes me even more irritated. Who knew the morning rays could be so harmful..

Jimin sits down on the leather and pulls me beside him, almost immediately laying his head on my lap. "Hyung I-"

"Don't talk, I'm too tired right now."

He grumbles, shushing me and leaving me to stay like that underneath his light-weight head and fluffy brown hair. Jimin closes his eyes, and I take the chance to study his features.

His hazelnut-colored hair sprawls across my thigh, and his chubby cheeks remind me of Seokjin's pet rabbit. Jungkook wondered how such a man could be so beautiful. Jimin's muscles popped out of his shirt, and instead of looking like that bad-ass male figure on stage, he looked like just your average schoolmate.

Jimin was pouting and groaning in his sleep, and after a while, I began to slowly nod off to sleep as well. With everything that went on last night I became a sleep-deprived little brat.. Nothing new of course.


"He won't wake up even if I touch his chin, or his nose.. But he'll stir a bit if I touch right here."

I heard a few snickers around me, but my eyelids felt heavy and I was just too tired to even open them. Just as I was about to doze back into dreamland, a cold hand snakes under my shirt and pinches at my nipple.

I groan and slowly open my eyes to find not just one person, but 4 standing above me with smiles and guilty faces.

"Fuck.. Hyung leave me alone!" I grumble, kicking at Seokijn who was just about ready to hit me with his shoe.

"Yah, Jungkook-ssi, we've been trying to wake you up for hours now! Do you know your brother came by to look for you?"

I shot up and stared up at him, my cheeks flushed and my eyes swollen.

Jimin, Taehyung, and Namjoon all stare down at me with worried expressions, Seokjin realizing that he'd said that when others were around. "I thought you said they were cool with you working here?" Namjoon questioned, crossing his arms.

Of all days to get caught in a lie, it had to be today..

"They do! I just forgot to tell them I wasn't going home.. Don't worry hyung, I got everything taken care of." I urged.

I managed to snake past them and into the bathroom, where I washed my face with cold water.

Seokjin is the only person who really understands my current situation.. I tried to talk about it with Namjoon a few times, but I just know he'll go off on a rant about the natures of life and shit.. But I don't really need that right now.

"Hey Jungkook, what are you going to do now? Preferably in the next 5 or 6 hours?" Taehyung asks after barging into the bathroom

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"Hey Jungkook, what are you going to do now? Preferably in the next 5 or 6 hours?" Taehyung asks after barging into the bathroom. He's holding his cellphone to his chest, and his facial expressions seemed tense. Jimin came rushing in after, immediately grabbing onto my forearm.

"C'mon, we gotta go now or else the position will be filled by some other nut-job!"

And before I knew it, the two had dragged me out of the club and into Taehyung's car. They both seemed to be in a hurry, but by the looks of it I don't think they planned on telling me anytime soon.

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