15: I'm All Dressed Up..But Naked

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Namjoon suggested that the four of us, including Seokjin who insists on coming along, finish our conversation in the office instead of the kitchen floor

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Namjoon suggested that the four of us, including Seokjin who insists on coming along, finish our conversation in the office instead of the kitchen floor. Hoseok and Yoongi sat in front of Seokjin and I, their hands folded to almost mimic an arrest.

My throat turned undeniably dry, every tick of the clock making my brain pound against my skull- if it were even possible.

Seokjin is the first to speak, the only member here who isn't looking as pale as rice. "How did you two become involved within this... Organization."

He's careful with his words, his voice soothing and calming the silence that surrounds us. "We were picked up off from the streets, maybe around Middle School. And we've stayed intact since."

Yoongi starts, nudging for Hoseok to continue.

"Because we were new, we had to start off in the lowest tier, the Omegas. We'd sleep all day in our designated and rarely provided warehouses, working all night measuring and packaging powders. Some of us who got to work on time were given masks, but there were a handful who would arrive late, other children becoming sick... and soon enough dying there on the cement."

Hoseok clenches his fists tight, every word stabbing at his heart

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Hoseok clenches his fists tight, every word stabbing at his heart. I couldn't imagine ever working myself to death in infested warehouses.. and now, remembering why he scolded me for complaining about my chores way in the beginning of our meeting, makes sense.

"We were exceptional at our jobs, so by the end of Middle School we graduated into the Beta Crew, getting the privilege of attending High School if we so cared. Our main jobs were to hide in plain sight, to become Cab-Drivers and airport personnel to successfully allow our packages in and out of the country. We got to live in crowded apartments with running water and a refrigerator, the world's greatest invention."

Yoongi hinted a smile, staring at the table but not seeing wood, seeing the past play in his mind like a movie.

"I've now become a part of the highest active crew, Alpha Blue

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"I've now become a part of the highest active crew, Alpha Blue.. Which is nothing but the brothers who survived. We collect and transfer funds from all around the world in bank accounts that wouldn't cause suspicion, and getting the freedom to live on our own."

Hoseok lets out a sigh, pushing his hair back and avoiding any eye contact. Almost as of he's ashamed of himself... ashamed of the world that chains him to the ground.

"The Dance group was originally supposed to be a vital distraction, but now, I think Hoseok and the others continue just for the fun of it. But by no means, can you participate. He shouldn't have allowed you to get close enough to speculate.."

Yoongi bows his head apologetically, his face showing no emotion.. or better yet, showing everything he has.

"What happens now is that we simply stay away from it.. We don't get involved and we live our lives as normally as possible." Seokjin says, getting up to get the two interrogated a glass of water.

"You never explained why you have so many bird tattoos.."

I speak, clearing my throat to sound stern.

"Every bird.. pinned and painted into my skin, represents a child's life lost in front of my eyes. Each having tried to better themselves and get into Alpha Blue.."

Hoseok looks up, his eyes staring straight passed my own into a world void of color and happiness.

He takes care of Jimin and Taehyung, two happy souls who must have gone through it all as well.
Working without rest, but believing in Hoseok to bring them up. To raise them.


Yoongi, having already missed an hour or so of tending to the bar, heads back with Seokjin. They both have a lot of work to do nonetheless, living in the life of adulthood, and Yoongi, hiding his past behind alcohol.

"It's humiliating.."

Hoseok breathes out in a chuckle.

"I'm here.. fully clothed in front of you. I should feel safe and full of pride, but no.. I'm sitting here completely naked. My dignity ripped off of me like a scab."

What I do next surprises him, wrapping my arms tightly against his back as if he'd crumble if I don't hold him together.

The glue made of secrets couldn't hold him, but maybe my arms could. I'm strong enough.. I think.

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