22: Home Sweet Home

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I wanted to go home right away to catch a wink or two of sleep.. but Hoseok, who also had stayed awake the entire night, dragged me out of the bar.

He borrowed Taehyung's car, which I recognized right away as I stepped in.

"Where are we going?"

I asked, not too curious as I leaned my head against the window.

"First, we're going to my place to get out of these clothes, then I'm taking you to breakfast." Starting the car, he drives off down the road.

The thought of food makes my stomach rumble in regret; I should have taken Namjoon's offering of those leftovers.

Staring out the window while a few songs play in the background, I start to drift off slightly, the sun burning my eyes, but feeling good against my skin.

"Do you do anything besides work and sleep?" Hoseok asked me, his hand on my lap loosely.

I nod.

School, work, and my bed had been the only places I spent my youth.

"So what do you do for fun?"


What is this word fun Hoseok speaks of?

"Mm, I don't know really. And I'm kind of too tired to think and come up with a relatively interesting answer."

There's a hint of annoyance in my voice, and I don't really mean to sound so harsh. But I'm just not a fun person to be around period.

I like to work, get things done in a way that deserves praise.

However, Hoseok sees my words as nothing but a challenge, once arriving to the dorm pulling me in after him.

I hadn't actually gotten the chance to explore the dormitory Hoseok, and possibly others lived at

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I hadn't actually gotten the chance to explore the dormitory Hoseok, and possibly others lived at.

I was practically out cold that time I last visited.

The decor was relatively modern, black and grey colors splashed wherever possible. There wasn't anything to distinguish family members or even relatives, nothing personal showing whatsoever.

Everyone must value their own space.

"Alright, my room's this way."

He said, taking his shoes off, but instead of leaving them by the door-side, bending down to carry them in his hands.

"I recommend you take those with you, some of these guys have a fancy for pawning kicks." Hoseok points at my shoes, so I copy him, taking them off and following him throughout the rest of the dorm.

"How many people live here with you?"

I ask curiously, looking down the hall at at least 5 or 6 more doors stayed closed.

"Mm, well about 4 of us actually. Me, Jimin and Tae, and then another member who's back in his home town for a bit."

He unlocks his door and pushes open the door, the room in front of me showing almost exactly who Hoseok describes himself to be.

Awkward A/N:

Someone literally stopped me in writing this to tell me I'm handsome.

My thoughts: "Oh wow someone likes me!"

My excitement didn't last long after realizing I lost my train of thought...

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