7: Nothing To Lose

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"He didn't mean to cause any harm.. He was just scared."

Jimin mumbles under his breath, lifting my shirt up and off of my body. He'd dragged me back inside even when I told him to just leave me in that pile of trash; He said he'd 'take care of me'

"I gotta get home."

I mutter, Jimin digging in a duffel bag for a shirt that doesn't have stains or the smell of garbage. I don't move from my spot on the sofa, instead, I stretch my shoulder and look at the red hand prints left decorated on my wrists.

"Here, wear this and I'll take you home."

He tosses me a plain yellow t-shirt, but I don't budge or hurry to put it on. My mother must have already called the university by now, finding out I hadn't been to class in months; she would have tracked me on my phone or forced Hyung to talk about everything I'm doing...

Dancing... Working at a bar... Skipping class...

Do I deserve to even step foot inside that house with sinful and greedy hands..?

"Jungkook... You're not listening to me.." Jimin mumbles, letting out a dissatisfied sigh. "I told you to put your shirt on so I can take you home."

I do as he says without a word of acknowledgment, standing up and plastering a smile across my lips. "No no, I got this. I'll just swoop by and check up on everyone. I'll be back."

Before he could even think of pulling me back, I jolt around the corner and out back towards the alley. Of course my body still aches from such a terrifying and heart-wrenching experience, but I ignore it and walk along the sidewalk.


My nerves are shot

Every hair on my body standing up

I feel like I've just lost the outer layer of my skin.


I didn't go home like I thought I would, instead, I found myself circling the neighborhood like a dog chasing it's tail. As it got darker my steps became heavier, my chest feeling as tight as a balloon ready to pop.

My feet dragged me up to the rooftop, the city lights my home and the star-less sky my blanket. I didn't want to throw in the towel, but instead, I wanted to find all the reasons to keep fighting for it.

 I didn't want to throw in the towel, but instead, I wanted to find all the reasons to keep fighting for it

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Sleep was taking my body under as I lay my head along the concrete. It wasn't luxurious, but I was comfortable. And my brother always told me that to base my decisions off of how comfortable I am; If I'm in a state of discomfort, then something needs to change.

Its as simple as that.

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