16: Inch By Inch

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Hoseok presses on my chest, pulling back as the edge of the table was practically digging into his stomach. Smiling at me, he simply stuffs his hands into his pocket and pulls out a small white box.

"I was supposed to give this to you earlier.. but some- events, took place that prevented me from doing so."
I tilt my head in confusion, taking it and opening the lid to find a golden-colored flip-phone.

"My number, as well as Jimin's, is already in your contacts. So take care of this and call me often if I'm not around."

My mouth opens in shock, turning the phone on just to check to see if it was even real. It works.

"I-I can't take this.." I manage to say, putting it all back together and trying to hand it back to him. "We need to keep in touch, so really, take it before I shove it down your throat."

Even though he's smiling, he says so in such a stern tone of voice, ruffling my hair before leaving me alone in the office.


It would be quite the stretch to say that everything could return to normal

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It would be quite the stretch to say that everything could return to normal. Because the second I exit the office I see Taehyung and Jimin, and instead of seeing them as the dancers I once knew and respected, I saw... Sadness. An hierarchy of men looming over them like smoke.

They stood on stage with Hoseok and a few others I didn't recognize, deciding to leave them alone and sit at the bar. Looking across the other side, I see Yoongi and Namjoon, looking as if they were in a pretty heated conversation; but then, it subsides the moment Yoongi gets on his knees, his forehead hitting the tiles so apologetically that I have to turn away.. He wouldn't want me to see him any less than the Hyung I came to know.

"Tonight I've decided to host a dinner party."

Seokjin suddenly says, leaning against the counter and also observing the scene ahead of us.

"A dinner party? With who? I thought you disconnected from your old college friends."
"I did- I mean, I want to bring us together. The seven of us here."

When he says this I find myself becoming tongue-tied.

"So c'mon, help me cook before they all slip away."

Seokjin smiles and heads towards the kitchen again. It felt awkward, seeing as just hours ago Hoseok was lying on the floor with Yoongi's hands revealing all his hatred and guilt.

"Okay! Start with the rice and vegetables."
He orders, though turning towards the head of black hair peeking through the door.

"He orders, though turning towards the head of black hair peeking through the door

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"Ah, is there anything I can help with? The others seem to be working as well.." Jimin mutters, walking in anyways. Seokjin smiles and invites him over, taking over with preparing the rice, washing it slowly and cautiously. Looking out, I see the others mopping the stage under Namjoon's harsh control, mops in each hand as they race back and forth.

And so like that the three of us cooked. Seokjin grilling meat and cooking pork; Jimin making both white and fried rice, and myself, cutting and peeling vegetables. To set the table, Jimin and I pushed two tables together, grabbing the attention of the others.

We worked in silence, Taehyung joining us in the kitchen to take plates and chopsticks to the table, and Hoseok walking in moments later to look over my shoulder. He takes a slice of the cherry tomatoes I'd been cutting and pops it into his mouth, smiling at me and placing his hand on my waist. Even Yoongi helped out, providing the alcohol in pristine glasses.

The atmosphere surrounding us became lighter.. And as we sat and ate the dinner prepared, we all talked and laughed without a care. Except for Hoseok however, who couldn't stop looking at me every few moments.. Almost looking for approval..

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