21: "No, You Don't."

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After "Innocently" showing off, both Namjoon and Yoongi didn't talk to me for the rest of the night.

I was glad to be unbothered, accomplishing my tasks at hand until I could see the sun teasing the night abyss.
It feels nice to see the changing of colors and volcanic eruption of people scurrying off.

I strip the apron off and toss it on the counter, ready mentally to go back to my beautiful-fluffy bed.


When I walk into the break room, I'm met with yet another ray of sunshine, and to my surprise, Hoseok sitting on the sofa.

He'd taken his shoes off, his heavy leather jacket hanging on the edge while he leans over the coffee table.

"What are you doing here?? thought you left!"
I practically yell, walking closer.

Scattered in front of him are pictures from Seokjin's photo albums.

"I wanted to walk you home, and besides, Seokjin had all of these out, so I figured this was as close as I was going to get to finding your baby picture."

I smile softly and sit beside him.

"When was this one taken?"

He holds up a picture of Namjoon and I

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He holds up a picture of Namjoon and I. "Ah, this was when I graduated High School."

"And this?"

"Jin took me to a concert that night, so when we got back we were absolutely exhausted

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"Jin took me to a concert that night, so when we got back we were absolutely exhausted."

I chuckle at the memory.

Seokjin likes keeping all sorts of pictures with him; some happy memories like concerts, grand openings, and eating contests. But also some sad memories too.

 But also some sad memories too

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"What's this?"

He asked curiously, picking it out of the pile. Its unlike the others, its creases filled with hatred and regret.

"The day.. Seokjin took me to see my father."

The room went silent, Hoseok's breathing stopping at a standstill.

I must've had such sadness in my voice, because the next thing we do is practically collapse.

Hoseok lays down pulls me on top of him, his hands gripping at my waist almost as if they'd always belonged there.

"Let me take you on a date."

I look up at him, my chin resting on his chest.

"Do I get to say no?" I tease, the clicking of his tongue amusing to me.

"No, you don't."

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