8: "Goodbye.. Mom.."

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"That's the sad thing about today's society-" 

Yoongi says with a sigh, Seokjin taking his beer and replacing it with some coffee instead.

"We're told that going to college is the only way we'll ever be successful.. But there are a lot of people who didn't even graduate from High School that become incredible people." 

A part of me isn't sure how serious Yoongi is being; he became quite irritated after telling him my current situation at home.

"Look, Jungkook-ah, if you disobeyed your parents then you have to apologize. Own up to your responsibilities and choices; That doesn't mean you have to necessarily give it up to fulfill their happiness." 

Namjoon tells me, his hand on my shoulder reassuring me. 

The Hyungs' were disappointed in me, not for lying about my mother's permission or skipping my classes, but for not going to them when I needed help the most.

"I'm an adult..."

I begin saying. 

My lips are cracked from last night's camp-out on the roof.

"So I think, it's best if I started becoming independent.. My elder brother, didn't move out because our mother needed the reassurance, but.. I want to do what I want to do. It will hurt her.. Maybe even crush her- but if I don't follow my heart.. I might just go insane." 

Namjoon smiles and ruffles my hair even though I hate it when he does that. 

"Do you need a ride?"

I shake my head, trying to fix my hair again. I spent last night thinking of what I could possibly say to my mother, and I realized that no matter what I say.. She'll look at me with disgust. I wash my hair in the bathroom sink, airing out my chest and staring at myself in the mirror until the door swings open. 


He looks at me from head to toe before leaning against the bathroom door

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He looks at me from head to toe before leaning against the bathroom door. At first he doesn't speak, watching me as I wash my face and dry my hair with a dish towel. He hands me a white button up, still not uttering a word.


I turn to put the shirt on, but he stops me again, handing me a box of band-aids and leaving before I could even process anything.


The walk home was silent and cold despite the city waking up to go to work or school. My brother must be in class by now, avoiding any confrontation just to save his own ass; it doesn't bother me.. He's already done a lot to help me keep everything a secret. 

Mom's car is still parked out in the driveway, and the porch lights she insists always stay off, were left on.. 

"I'm home."

I say, the house suddenly feeling foreign as I close the door behind me. As expected, mom sits at the dinner table with a cup of coffee and an empty vodka bottle beside her. She doesn't even look up to greet me, instead she just rubs her forehead and leans back in her chair. 

"I'm moving out to live with a friend."

I say suddenly, breaking the ice.

"I'll also be dropping out to attend community college starting next fall."

Nothing phases her. Not my suddenness and definitely not when I go upstairs to pack a suitcase. I rush around, stuffing clothes and CD's in my bags as quickly as possible, not wanting to be in this house any longer.. And before I head back down, I grab the guitar case and leave my brother a thank you note.

"I should have burned that ages ago... He's to blame for my son's insanity.." Mom mumbles, seeing the case in my hands as I give her my phone. I don't need it anymore.

She doesn't look at me, instead glares bullet holes into the case, uttering nothing when I walk out.

"Goodbye... Mom.."

"Don't call me that!" 

She screams suddenly, throwing the vodka bottle at me. It smashes Into pieces on the floor at my feet, my cheek burning from impact. 

I bow and head out, turning the porch light off before hurrying to catch the next bus.

I'll have to tell the others that I'll be getting a new cellphone, but until I can earn enough to afford one I'm camping in Seokjin's spare room and working full time at the bar as dishwasher.

It's not paradise, but it sure is somewhere comfortable enough for me to study, sleep and eat.

It's not paradise, but it sure is somewhere comfortable enough for me to study, sleep and eat

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"We need to talk, now."

I didn't even make it in the door to the kitchen before being stopped by Hoseok. Today he looks calmer than yesterday, but instead he's dressed for the season in a coat and boots. His hair is pushed up in a hat, his face undeniably pale. 

"Who did this to your face?!"

He interrogated, grabbing my face roughly and turning to look at the added bruise. Hoseok lets go when I wince, pushing him away from me. 

"Look, I said I didn't hear anything! Now just leave me alon-"

Before I could finish my sentence I'm pushed roughly against the door with a thud.

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