Chapter 3 ~ Hospitals

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After chatting with Scott and Stiles, they hesitantly left her to fend for herself at the hospital. She felt horrible for what had happened to Liam, even if she didn't quite like him when she first met him. He had gotten hurt, and she didn't want him to be alone, as she knew how much she personally hated hospitals.

Luna exhaled, standing out of the waiting room chair. Liam had to be done with the doctor by now. It had been over half an hour since they brought him in. She knew Liam probably hated her since she was associated with Scott and Stiles, but she knew that knowing that he was okay would calm her nerves.

The girl finally found the room he was in. She touched the cold metal door handle, pushing it and walking in. "How's your leg?" Liam looked up at her.

"What are you doing here?" Liam asked. Luna shrugged, sitting down in a chair by the hospital bed.

"Well, I guess I'm more here so I don't feel guilty anymore," Luna admitted.

"Then what's even the point of being here?" Liam snapped, looking away from her.

Luna scoffed. "Look, I came here to make sure you're okay but I guess-"

"Shh," Liam interrupted, standing and limping to the door.

"Don't you shush me!" Luna exclaimed. Liam glanced back at her, an annoyed look on his face.

"I heard something," Liam stated, looking around down the hall. "I could have sworn that I heard something."

Luna stood. "Curiosity killed the cat, you know!"

"Hey! Anyone hear that?" Liam called out. Luna walked over, peeking around the doorway down the hall. Suddenly, a boy with ripped clothing, which was covered in blood, came around the corner. He had multiple rows of bloody teeth and glowing white eyes.

A Wendigo.

"Right now might be a good time to run," Luna said quickly, her voice shaking slightly. Without hesitating, Liam turned, running to the roof, Luna right behind him. They got to the roof, quickly closing the metal door behind them. Luna pressed her back up against the door.

Liam turned. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Clearly being the only one trying to save us!" Luna yelled. Liam sighed sharply, rushing over and trying to help her block the door. Effortlessly, the Wendigo kicked the door in, sending Liam tumbling back and Luna falling to the ground. The earth started spinning. Blood ran down Luna's temple, and she felt light-headed. The creature turned to her, snarling, beginning to stalk over.

"Hey!" Liam called, getting the creatures attention. "Leave her alone and come get me!" Luna tried to argue, but she couldn't get the words to escape off of her lips. She blacked out for a second, her vision refocusing to see that the Wendigo was holding Liam over the edge of the roof, and Scott was running out.

"Don't," Scott demanded. "You don't need to do this. Whatever it is, whatever you are, we can help you."

"No, you can't," the Wendigo argued.

Scott ignored him. "Let me help you."

The boy scoffed. "Wendigo's don't need help. We need food." Luna couldn't help but to begin thinking about chocolate and candy. The Wendigo loosened its grip on Liam's wrist. Luna tried to stand, resulting in her head spinning and knees shaking. She fell back to the ground.

"I can't hold on!" she heard Liam yelling. Scott got a grip on the boy, his werewolf form now having taken over his human form. Luna saw his head dip down, then heard Liam cry out in pain. An axe came flying out of nowhere, hitting the Wendigo in the chest.

The girls eyes traced the direction in which the axe came flying out of. Her eyes widened as she stopped a man standing there. He didn't have a mouth, and he wore black gloves. He noticed her. He put his index finger to the lips that weren't there. Luna gulped, wanting desperately to get up and run.

She looked back, seeing Liam sitting with his back against a radiator. He held his wrist, which was dripping with blood. He panting, beads of sweat running down his temples.

The girl looked at Scott. "Did you bite him!?"


Luna sat on the couch, a bandage on her right temple. She held an ice pack to her head, still feeling light headed.

"Like I said, I told my dad everything I could," Stiles told Scott as the boys walked through the living room.

"But you didn't tell him about Liam?" Scott asked. Luna stood curiously, following the two boys.

"You barely told me about Liam," Stiles stated. He glanced around. "What did you do with him, anyway?"

Scott gulped, slowly turning back to look at the two. "He's. . . upstairs." Luna furrowed her eyebrows. She was barely able to remember anything that had happened after she hit the ground.

"Doing what?" Stiles questioned suspiciously.

"Lying down," Scott lied. The three of them made their way upstairs. Scott led them to the bathroom, opening the shower curtain to reveal Liam. He lay in the tub, duct tape preventing him from being able to move or talk. He began panting and grunting, which was muffled in result of the tape.

Luna turned to Scott angrily. "Seriously? This is the best you could come up with?" Scott shrugged. Stiles closed the shower curtain, he and Scott walking over to his bed and sitting at the end. Luna stood in front of them, her arms crossed over her chest.

"So you bit him. . ." Stiles started.

"Yup. . ."

"And you kidnapped him," Luna continued.

Scott nodded. "Yeah."

"And brought him here," Stiles growled.

"I panicked," Scott stated.

"This isn't going to end with us burying the pieces of his body out in the desert, is it?" Stiles asked. Luna glanced between them, obviously angry.

"It better not," she snapped.

Stiles nodded, turning back to Scott. "As a reminder, this is why Luna and I always come up with you plans. Your suck."

Scott sighed. "I know. Which is why I called you. What do we do?" Luna and Stiles exchanged a look.

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