Chapter 34 ~ Armor

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Luna sat on the guest bedroom bed, sitting on the end by the window, staring out of the window at the city lights and cars rushing down the small streets. She stood, sighing and resting her hands on the now clear windowsill, leaning her weight into her hands. Derek had taken the eye and put it in a safe in the living room so that he knew where it was if the pack needed to find out more about it.

Luna didn't know where Liam had gone, but she wished he hadnt left her there to drown in her thoughts. The girl sighed, sitting back down on her bed, listening to rain pounding on the roof and thunder shaking the sky. Lightning struck a few hundred yards away from the city. She sighed, looking down and hanging her head, shaking her head at herself. The girl crawled under the cold covers, holding the blankets up to her shoulder and closing her heavy eyes.


After she got to school the next day, Luna sat on some of the stairs inside of the school, still thinking about everything that Damian had told the pack. The thoughts had prevented her from getting sleep, which resulted in her being more cranky than usual. Hearing footsteps approaching, Luna turned her head, seeing Liam. He offered a small smile, sitting down on the stair above the one she sat on.

"You okay?" he asked quietly, sensing that it was stupid to even ask the question. Luna nodded, wiping away a tear as it fell from her eye. Liam went to put his hand on her shoulder, but she moved, turning her head away from him. Liam furrowed his eyebrows, confused as to why she was acting like she was. "Luna? What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Luna lied, refusing to look at the boy. Liam sighed, putting his fingers on her further cheek, turning her head with his fingers. Luna looked into his worried crystal blue eyes, biting her tongue in hopes that she wouldn't snap at him. Liam's hand fell down to his side, his arms resting on his knees. "Okay, so I'm not fine. . ."

"You thinking about what happened yesterday?" Liam questioned. Luna nodded, holding back her tears and swallowing down the lump in her throat. Liam sighed, reaching for her hand and intertwining their fingers, their hands hanging in the air. He rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb, comforting her. "If talking about it helps, I'm all ears. If you just need a shoulder to cry on, I'm right here."

Luna glanced around at the people walking by. She nearly lost it as Alex walked down the stairs, glancing down at her. Luna moved up to sit on the same stair as Liam, tears beginning to rush down her cheeks. Liam turned with his chest to Luna, pulling the girl into his arms. Luna hugged him back, sniffling, biting her tongue to hold her sobs back and burying her face into his neck, hoping that nobody else saw her crying.

"Is she okay?" a voice asked. Stiles. Luna felt her worried older brother sit down, his hand on Luna's back. Luna pulled away from Liam's embrace, turning to Stiles, her mascara running all the way down her cheeks. Stiles wiped her face before pulling his younger sister into his arms, Luna allowing herself to fall slightly in his arms. Liam kept his eyes on her, ready to grab and hold her if he needed to. The sound of the bell caused Luna to pull away, sniffling, her face covered in her mascara. "You want a ride to Derek's?"

Luna shook her head, sniffling again and wiping her face. "I'm okay."

"Well, if you're gonna stay, we should fix your uh. . ." Liam started, pointing to his cheeks. Luna nodded, standing with him, sliding her hand into his.

"Text me if you need anything," Stiles said.

"Okay," Luna replied quietly, offering him a small smile. She and Liam turned, walking into the girls locker room since no one else was in there. Luna plopped down on one of the benches, setting her bag down next to her. She looked through it, not finding any make-up removers. She sighed sharply, looking up at Liam. "I don't have any make-up removers with me." Liam went through his bag, taking some out. "Why do you have make-up removers?"

Liam shrugged. "I took a picture of the ones you get and bought a pack in case you ever needed them and forgot them." Luna couldn't help but to smile at how much he cared. She gently took the package from him, taking one of the wipes out and standing by the mirror, wiping the mascara off of her face. She then threw the wipe away, exhaling a long, shaky breath and sitting down on the bench. Liam sat down next to her, putting his hand on her thigh. "Everything is going to be okay. I'm not going to let them get to you, and I'm sure as hell not leaving."

Luna smiled. "I love you, Liam."

"I love you too, Luna," Liam replied. Luna cupped his face in her small hands, leaning forward and closing her lips over his. Liam smiled through the kiss, one hand on her lower back to hold her up while he put his other hand on her upper back. Luna smiled through the kiss, her fingers on the back of his neck, keeping his face close to hers.

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