Chapter 27 ~ The New Kid

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Luna and Kenzie laughed as they quietly roasted random kids while they walked down the school corridor the next day. Luna froze when she smelt a new person, looking up to see a tall, buff boy walking towards them. She gulped, her eyes widening slightly as her stomach turned. Her gut had told her that something wasn't right about him, but she couldn't tell what it was. At least, not yet.

"Hey, uh, I'm having trouble finding my English class. Can you help me?" he asked, offering his schedule. Luna gave him a small smile, trying to seem friendly. She took his schedule, looking down at who his English teacher was.

"Oh, we have that class together. I'll bring you there," she replied, handing him his schedule back. Liam stood down the hall talking with Mason, watching carefully, his eyes narrowing and jaw clenching in anger, causing his jawline to pop out. He didn't trust the guy, even though he hadn't met him yet. The fact that he was talking to his girlfriend wasn't helping, and was making him hate the boy that much more.

"Sweet, thank you," the boy smiled. "I'm Alex, by the way." He offered his hand to Luna. She shook it, smiling.

"Luna," she stated. The bell to get to the first class rang. "Okay, I'll lead you to class." As Alex turned to follow her, she looked back, seeing Liam. He looked at her with angry eyes, raising his eyebrows as if questioning why she was with him. She gulped, shrugging, turning back and leading Alex to class.


Luna walked to her usual lunch table, when suddenly, she felt someone slap her butt. The girl turned quickly, seeing Alex standing there smirking. "Damn baby, you've got a nice tight ass. I'd like to bounce quarters and uh, other things off that, if you know what I mean."

"Fuck off," Luna spat.

Alex smirked. "Fuck you? Okay."

"No, thanks. You're not man enough," Luna replied, gulping, her anxiety level building up. People watched, some of them having seen the whole thing. Other kids pulled out their phones, staying at a distance so the teachers didn't grow suspicious and the scene in front of them would keep going and not be interrupted. She turned to walk away, when Alex grabbed her wrist, stopping her. She turned, her eyes narrowing. "Let me go."

"I don't think I want to," Alex replied, his lip quirking at the corner. Luna looked down at her wrist, then back up at Alex, gulping.

"I'm pretty sure she said to let her go," a voice announced. Luna looked up, seeing Liam walking over, his jaw clenched, eyes dark and angry. Alex rolled his eyes as Liam approached, releasing Luna's wrist. Liam stepped up to Alex, sizing him up. "Back the fuck off, dude." Damian stood, walking over to back Liam up if needed.

Alex shrugged. "I'm sorry, I just can't help myself when I see a nice ass like that." Luna could feel boys eyes looking at her butt whilst they mentally debated on a rating. Luna saw it as a sick thing to do, as she thought it was wrong to rate someone's butt. Kenzie walked up, putting her hands on Luna's shoulders and turning her, leading her away from the situation, getting her out of many of the guys sight. Luna stopped, looking back at Liam, seeing he and Damian challenging Alex.

"Nice ass!" a boy named Ryan called, his words followed by a whistle. Luna felt tears pricking at her eyes. Kenzie opened her mouth to say something to try to comfort her friend, but Luna had already rushed out of the lunch room.


Luna stormed through the boys locker room during the period Alex had gym. She ignored the boys whistling at her and glancing up and down her body. Finally, she found Alex.

"Alex, what the hell!? What were you thinking? Seriously! I just met you!" she shouted. Alex stood silently, his friend Bryan coming up next to him.

"Come on, Luna. You know you're not supposed to be in here," Bryan stated.

Luna looked at him. "Why not? You've all been staring at my ass all day." Bryan looked down, and the girl looked back at Alex, shaking her head in disgust. "You're such a dick."


Luna plopped on her bed when she got home after school, exhaling a shaky breath and digging her head in her hands. Ever since Alex had told practically the whole school how much of a nice butt she apparently had, boys had been whistling and checking her out. She hated it. She hated the attention. The only person she would ever want that kind of attention from, which even then was rare, was Liam.

Knocking was heard from her door. Luna looked up, sniffling, wiping away the tears that had fallen when she was deep in thought. "What?"

"Can I come in?" a voice asked. Stiles. Luna sighed in relief that it was her brother. She couldn't imagine how pissed off Liam was with Alex, and she had too much anxiety to be able to handle seeing him so angry.

"Yeah," Luna sniffled, her voice shaking. She hated crying, but sometimes, it was best. It was better than her emotions building up inside of her for her to explode one day and spill them all out.

Stiles walked in, sighing when he saw how upset his little sister was. He hadn't seen her so upset in a long time. "When I heard people talking about how nice of an ass Luna Stilinski has, I figured something was wrong."

"Great, so now Alex told the whole school," Luna said quietly, shaking her head, tears soaking her cheeks. Stiles sat down next to her, sighing and looking down at his lap. He wasn't really sure how to comfort her, as Liam was usually the one to comfort her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Stiles asked gently, offering her his ear to listen. Luna looked at her brother, shrugging and looking back down.

She sighed. "The new kid slapped my ass at lunch and then proceeded to tell everyone how nice of an ass I apparently have. Everyone has been commenting on it ever since."

"I can't imagine Liam is very happy," Stiles said. Luna shook her head, silently saying that he wasn't. "That's a really fucked up thing to do. If I see this kid, I'll take care of it, okay? Just ignore what everyone says." Luna nodded. She heard more footsteps coming up the stairs, looking up to see Liam walking to her doorway.

He stood, his eyes lifeless, a worried look plastered on his face. "No one answered my knocks, so I let myself in." Luna stood, walking straight into his arms, digging her face into the crook of his neck, sniffling and trying to hold in her tears. Liam held her close, his chin resting on the top of her head. He opened his eyes to look at Stiles, both of them sharing a worried glance. Silently, Stiles got up, walking out and leaving the two in private. Liam wanted to be able to see Luna's face and talk to her, but at the same time, he didn't want to be the first one to step away from the embrace. So, he waited until she stepped away. He wiped her tears away with his thumb. "You're going to be okay."

Luna shook her head, sniffling yet again. She plopped back down on the side of her bed. Liam followed, sitting down next to her. "Everyone at school has been staring at me since Alex said that. . . That's not the kind of attention I want."

"That's not the kind of attention anyone would want," Liam replied. Luna sighed, looking into his caring crystal blue eyes.

"Why me?" she questioned quietly, her voice cracking. Unsure of what to say, Liam sighed, looking down and shaking his head. Luna sighed, turning her head away from him. She soon rested her head on his shoulder, Liam's arm wrapping around her torso.

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