Chapter 25 ~ Supermoon

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Luna had told Stiles everything that had happened when she got home. She knew how well he usually did with investigations, and she knew that Stiles could at least come close to figuring out who had kidnapped her and Liam. Stiles felt awful when she told him, as he wasn't there for his sister. This caused him to anxious and frantic while he drew out a map of possible suspects on his clear board.

"Rachel Mills, Tiffany Greene," he mumbled, jotting their names down. He looked back down at the list of suspects he held. There were too many to limit it down yet, making his anxiety worse. He drew out some information and conclusions about the people, stepping back, putting his hand on his forehead while he tried to mentally take some people off of the list. "Fuck." He sighed sharply. "Okay. . . They were drunk and tired, but Hayden was one of the ones who wasn't drunk. Why would they target her of all of the supernaturals there?" He looked back at Rachel's background, an advanced version his father had gotten a hold of. "Hunter. . . If she kidnapped Luna and Liam, Hayden was a warning, which would make sense."

"Find anything?" Luna asked, leaning her shoulder into the doorway of Stiles room, seeing him circling a name on the board. Stiles looked over at his little sister. Not wanting to get her hopes up that he had found the suspect, he shrugged.

"I'm definitely narrowing the list down," he replied. Luna nodded. She cleared her throat quietly while she glanced around. She was still shaking from the anxiety that had built up inside of her while she was trapped in that cell, forced to hear Liam crying out in pain. She shook the thought out of her head, trying to forget about it.

She sighed. "Well, I think that I'm gonna head to bed. I'll see ya in the morning." Stiles nodded.

"Goodnight, Luna," he said.

"G'night, Stiles," Luna answered.


With just their luck, Liam and Luna's first Supermoon as werewolves was just the next day.

Luna had felt her anger bubbling up inside of her since she woke up that morning. She had no reason to be angry, but she was, and so the pack made sure she ended up at Derek's loft as soon as the school day was over. She was chained to a pole, her hands behind her back. The more she sat there, the more her anger faded, as she was pushing the emotion away and focusing on staying calm.

Liam, on the other hand, was having some trouble with the Supermoon. He sat, his eyes yellow, fangs and claws grown in. Derek kept his eye on the sky, which was growing more and more dark as the minutes passed. Liam could snap at any time, and no one in the pack was really sure what to expect when he exploded. Noticing that she wasn't being affected, Derek took the chains off of Luna, allowing her to rush and calm Liam down if needed.

Liam got through an hour of the Supermoon being out and shining brightly before he began to lose it. He roared in anger, pulling at the chains. Luna looked to him, her eyes widening and her anxiety beginning to bubble inside of her. She looked to Derek, who nodded, silently telling her that now was the time to try and calm her boyfriend down.

As Luna crouched down in front of Liam to talk to him, the chains snapped and fell to pieces on the floor. Too angry to realize it was Luna in front of him, he slashed his claws into her stomach, grabbing her and throwing her into a window. The glass broke from the impact, flying around the loft. Luna fell, groaning in pain, her hand over her stomach and glass surrounding her. Blood stained her hand. She could feel the cuts healing under her fingers.

Stiles ran to his sister, Derek and Scott restraining Liam back. Liam's eyes slowly faded back to their usual crystal blue state, wandering to where Luna was. She looked up at him, more concerned about him being okay than herself. She was healing, but the events that just occurred could have mentally scarred him. Luna knew he couldn't control it, and so, mentally, it didn't affect her much. It wasn't his fault.

She stood, Liam's eyes glossed over with tears. "Liam? You okay?"

"Did I do this?" Liam asked quietly, his voice shaking and adams apple moving as he gulped. Everyone just stayed silent, no one having the guts to just say 'yes'.

"It's okay, I'm healed," Luna replied. Liam just shook his head, stepping back.

"Stay away from me," he demanded, turning and running out of the loft before Luna could protest. The girl shared a glance with Stiles.

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