Chapter 30 ~ Deadpool List

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That night, everyone was going to be staying at Liam's and spending the night. Luna and Liam sat cuddled on the couch while Kenzie and Damian sat awkwardly on the other side of the couch. Luna kept her head on Liam's shoulder, aimlessly rubbing circles on his thigh with her thumb. Liam kept his arm around her securely, making sure to keep her both warm and close.

They sat there silently watching TV until Luna's phone went off, signaling that she had a text. She groaned in annoyance, taking her phone out of her pocket to see that Stiles was the one who had sent her a text. Liam perked his head up and looked at her phone screen curiously.

From: Stiles the Sarcasm King 😒
Come down to the station ASAP

"What's going on?" Liam asked quietly, Damian and Kenzie both looking over. Luna shrugged, sitting up, Liam sitting up as well.

"I guess I better go find out," Luna replied. She turned to Liam. "Mind giving me a ride to the station?"

The boy shook his head, both of them standing. "Let's go, then."


Liam followed Luna in through the station doors. Stiles came out of their dad's office, shaking his head when he saw Liam and blocking him from going on. "Hold up there, little lover boy. You're not coming in."

"Well why not?" Liam asked, his eyebrows furrowing. "If something is going on with Luna, I have every right to know. If I need to remind you, I'm dating her."

"Yeah, we got that," Stiles mumbled, rolling his eyes at the younger boys stubbornness. "Look, you just can't know yet, okay? Not until we are a hundred percent sure." As Liam opened his mouth to protest, Luna stepped forward, grabbing both of his hands.

She smiled gently. "It'll be fine. Just go." Liam nodded. He closed the space between them, kissing her passionately before turning and hesitantly walking away. Luna watched him walk out through the station doors before she and Stiles walked into their dad's office. "What'd you guys find?"

"We think we've found some connections," Sheriff Stilinski stated.

Stiles nodded. "We believe Rachel was the one who murdered Hayden as a warning to the pack. We also think that the new kid Alex has some kind of ties with her, and that he's also a Hunter," he continued.

"So. . ." Luna started.

Her father sighed. "So, we're saying that at least two kids who go to school with you are Hunters and are going after the pack. We're also saying that we can't arrest either of them without solid evidence. Just. . . please be more cautious, okay? I don't want my little girl getting hurt."

Luna offered a small smile. "Don't worry, I'll be more cautious. Don't worry about me. I've got Liam to make sure nothing happens to me."

"We have one more thing to tell you," Stiles said.

"Okay. Tell me," Luna replied.

"You're on the Deadpool," Stiles stated. Luna furrowed her eyebrows, already knowing the fact. Stiles sighed, his breath shaking. "Luna, you're worth twenty-six million dollars."


"Please just tell me what happened at the station," Liam begged, turning in his seat to look at Luna during Chemistry. Luna shook her head, looking down at her work. Liam tilted his head slightly, an annoyed look plastering over his face. "Luna, c'mon, it's clearly important. I can tell by your heartbeat. What the hell did they say?"

Luna looked up to meet the gaze of her concerned boyfriend. "Look, nothing happened, okay? I already told you this."

"Liam, do I need to move your seat?" the teacher threatened. Liam turned in his seat, gulping, struggling to find a response. "Sit facing forward and do your work." Liam glanced back to Luna, who quickly looked back down at her work.


"For the last time, it's nothing," Luna insisted as she walked down the hall. Liam sighed sharply, getting ahead of her and stepping in front of her, forcing the girl to stop.

"That's funny, because when I printed off a paper for English earlier, this printed instead," Liam said, holding up a piece of paper with big words in the middle of the paper in bold text.

Luna Stilinski: 26 million

Luna scoffed, trying to hide the fact that she knew exactly what that meant. "I'm sure it's nothing."

"Nothing?" Liam challenged, raising his eyebrows. "We both know it's not something. Now, instead of lying to me, why don't you explain exactly what the hell that's supposed to mean?" Luna sighed sharply. She tried to step around Liam, but he blocked her, putting his hands on her shoulders. "I need to know before I worry myself to the point of anger, okay? Luna, I know you know what that means, and I need to know."

Luna sighed, grabbing his hand and walking out to an empty part of the hall. "You know the Deadpool list? With all of the amounts we're worth?" Liam nodded. Luna pointed to the number, and Liam picked up on it.

"Holy shit," he mumbled. He looked back at Luna, his eyes full of worry. "You're worth. . ." She nodded. Liam looked back down at the paper again, full of disbelief.

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