Chapter 8 ~ Where There's Good, There's Bad

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Luna sat on her bed after Liam had left, finishing up her essay in English. Stiles suddenly burst through her bedroom door, panting.

"I have to tell you something," Stiles panted.

Luna furrowed her eyebrows. "Okay, tell me."

"Lydia and I figured out the name to unlock the third part of the cipher key," he started, stopping to catch his breath. "We knew that the password to unlock it was someone who wasn't dead yet but would be."

"Okay, so?" Luna asked.

"Luna, your name unlocked it."


"What do you mean her name unlocked it?" Liam asked as Stiles discussed it with the pack the next morning.

"You know, I really don't know what's so hard to understand about it," Stiles replied, rolling his eyes, obviously annoyed. Along with that, he was angry that his sister had ended up involved in the horrid world of the supernatural.

"Great, well, now we have a hint that something horrible is going to happen to her, but we don't know when or how," Scott stated, sighing sharply. Luna gulped. She looked away from the pack. As soon as the bell rang, she got up and left for her first period class.


While the rest of the pack was dealing with Berserkers that night, Luna was told to stay home. But she couldn't. She couldn't sit on her bed knowing that the others were out there fighting these horrible monsters. She grabbed a knife, sticking it in her boot before beginning to run to the location they were at.

Liam had been the one who told her what was going on tonight in hopes that knowing where they were would calm her. He begged her to stay home and stay out of it. He couldn't risk anything, just in case what the password had meant was true.

Luna ran into the abandoned building, pausing when she heard commotion. She looked around quickly, spotting Liam struggling to fight off a Berserker. She didn't want Liam to have to fight alone, even though she knew how big of a risk it was for her to be fighting something so powerful.

All that she wanted to do was help.

"Luna!" Liam yelled as he spotted the girl. He blocked a punch from the Berserker, glancing over at her. "You shouldn't be here!"

Luna scoffed. "Please, telling me to stay home is going to make me not want to stay home." The Berserker turned towards her, growling in anger as it watched her. Noticing that the Berserker was looking at her, Liam punched it, catching its attention in hopes that it would keep fighting him and not go after Luna. Suddenly, there was a loud crash behind Luna, and Liam turned with wide eyes.

"Luna! Watch out!" he exclaimed.

But she was too slow, and it was too late.

The Berserkers humungous, amazingly powerful claws impaled the girl from behind. All that Luna could do was gasp from the sudden impact. The metallic taste of blood filled her mouth as it ran down her chin, instantly staining her shirt.

Liam could feel his heart shattering inside of his chest.

"No!" he shouted, running over as the Berserker pulled its claws out, causing blood to pour from the wounds. He caught Luna as she fell to the ground, one arm under her shoulders to hold her while he pressed his other hand on the cuts, trying to stop the bleeding. He shook Luna as her eyes began closing. "Luna. Hey, please stay with me, okay?" He grabbed her hand to take the pain away, something Scott had showed him, but Luna refused.

"No, Liam, stop. It's hurting you," she said quietly, her voice shaking and weak. The pack all stopped fighting, their gaze wandering to the two. The scene reminded Scott of he and Allison, and how she had died in his arms, just like what was happening to Luna in Liam's. Stiles instantly began sobbing as he saw how badly injured his little sister was. The one person he tried his best to protect.

Tears rushed down Liam's cheeks. "Luna, no, you can't die. Please. I need you. I-I can't imagine my life without you. Please, just hang in there, okay? Please don't leave me."

"I-It's okay," Luna stuttered. She rested her hand over Liam's intertwining their fingers. Liam just shook his head. He wasn't going to let her die. It was much too early. He looked up at Scott.

"You have to give her the bite," he begged.

"What?" Scott questioned, his eyebrows furrowing.

"You have to give her the bite," Liam repeated. "You bit me when I needed it. Now you have to bite her. You promised me this morning that you would do whatever you could to keep her safe. Please, Scott, you have to bite her."

Scott looked to Stiles for permission. He knew how Stiles didn't want her involved in the supernatural world, and biting her would put her right in the middle of it. Stiles nodded, gulping. "Do it. If it saves her, then do it."

"Alright," Scott sighed. Hesitantly, he walked forward, taking Luna's wrist and biting her just as the light faded from her eyes. Luna startled back awake, Liam holding her closer, now grabbing her wrist gently, his hand over the bite to help her heal quicker.

The pack knew that from now on, they had to be much more cautious with what world they lived in.

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