Chapter 33 ~ The Eye That Sees All

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After a long and exhausting lacrosse practice, Luna walked herself back to Derek's loft. She exhaled a long breath, dropping her gear bag down on her bed. She glanced around the room, a strange jar passing her vision. Quickly, she shot her head towards it, noticing a jar with an eye in it. A human eye. In fact, she could have sworn that it was her Chemistry teachers eye.

Luna screamed, staggering back, her eyes wide, lips parted, and heartbeat pounding in her ears. Hearing her screams, Derek ran into the room, worried something might have happened to her. "What are you screaming about?"

"There's an eye!" Luna shrieked, pointing to the jar and the eye. Derek looked over, shrugging, unmoved by the sight.

"Oh. . . Well, it's just an eye," he stated.

"Just an eye?" Luna scoffed. "Wow, I thought Damian was gross."

"What's the problem with it?" Derek questioned, obviously not understanding why she was so freaked out.

Luna's eyes narrowed slightly. "It's on my windowsill!"

"Huh. Yeah, that is kind of weird," Derek replied. Luna rolled her eyes.

"I'm calling Liam. You're not helpful at all," she spat. After calling Liam, he arrived within minutes, freezing when he saw the eyeball.

His eyes widened. "I thought you were kidding!"

"Oh, yeah, totally," Luna growled, crossing her arms over her chest. Liam looked at her.

"Well, you've joked about weirder things before," he reminded.

Derek glanced between the two. "You know what? I don't wanna know. We're calling a pack meeting."


Luckily for the pack, Damian had a huge knowledge about what this could mean. He figured out what it was while the pack stood around anxiously for his informative lecture. Damian exhaled a long breath, preparing to explain.

"Its called Illuminati, I'm sure you've heard of it because of all the memes that infest the internet. The word 'Illuminati' originated from the Latin language in the late 16th century. A Bavarian professor created the group from his sadistic mind. On May first 1776 Adam Weishaupt and four students formed the Perfectibilists, using the Grecian owl as their symbol. All four members used different aliases for the group because of publicity. One of the students, Sutor, was expelled because of his insolence. April 1778, the entire order became the Illuminatenorden, or the Order of Illuminati.

"Massenhausen, another student, was the most active while trying to improve the group by expanding it and creating a bigger society. While he studied in Munich, he had recruited Xavier von Zwack, a former student of Weishaupt. His enthusiasm soon became a liability and he was also expelled. Adam Weishaupt was a professor of Canon Law and practical philosophy. He was the only nonclerical professor at an institution run by Jesuits. He had defected from the Catholic church to organize the illuminati. His goal that he had assigned to the group was to achieve a one world government, and to subjugate all religions and governments in the process. Weishaupt had a master plan, if that's what you want to call it, in the 1770's outlining the illuminati's goals, finishing on May first 1776. Apparently, anyone still connected to illuminati celebrate May first like you would celebrate May Day.

"The illuminati had claimed credit for the revolutionary war so that they could weaken the British powers. In the 1780's the Bavarian government found out about the illuminati and disbanded them, forcing them to go underground. At one point an American General, Albert Pike, became the new leader. He worked out a blueprint for three world wars throughout the 20th century that would lead to a one world government by the end of the 20th century. Initially, the first world war was began to destroy Czarism in Russia and to establish Russia as a stronghold of Communism.

"The illuminati claim that the second world war pitted the fascists against the political Zionists so as to build up to international communism until it equaled in strength that of the United Chrisendom. According to illuminati plans, the third world war, which is to be caught between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world, will drain the international community to the extent that they will have no choice but to form a one world government.

"Since then, nobody has really heard from the big ass scary group of psychos.

"Until now." Luna's jaw dropped and eyes widened in result of the information that had come out of his mouth. Damian smirked. "Yeah, that's right. I know stuff. My brain works sometimes."

"Maybe he's useful after all," Liam mumbled, looking down at the ground seriously. Luna bit her tongue to hold back her laughter.

Stiles stood straight. "I don't like him," he announced.

Luna furrowed her eyebrows, looking over at her jealous brother. "Why?"

"I'm the smart one!" Stiles exclaimed. The girl shook her head, looking back at Derek.

"Do you guys know what this means?" Derek questioned. The pack all exchanged a glance.

Luna gulped. "That the illuminati is fucking scary?"

Derek nodded. "That, too. But there's going to be a third world war, which at least two kids at your school are helping out with. And you know who they're trying to get to fight for them in that war by scaring them into it?" Luna shook her head. "Us."

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