Chapter 29 ~ Beach Days

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When Liam finally got his first car, a 2016 royal blue Dodge Challenger, he decided to bring Luna, Kenzie and Damian to the beach since it was a nice day. Luna got on a black bikini, putting on some black shorts and a pineapple tank top over it. Since Liam picked her up first wearing black swimming trunks and a grey tank top, she claimed the passenger seat, setting her bag down on the floor by her feet.

"Nice ride," she said to Liam, smiling. Liam smiled back, throwing the manual car into reverse.

"Why thank you," he replied, bowing his head slightly. Luna rolled her eyes, shaking her head and chuckling at the boy.


When they got to the beach, the four teenagers chose a table in the wooded area where there was a small grill. Liam set down the grocery bags which had hot dogs, chips, and supplies for s'mores in them. They all got down into their bathing suits, Liam and Damian heading to the water while Luna and Kenzie stayed behind. They grabbed their towels, setting them down in the same and laying on their backs, allowing the hot sun to tan their skin.

After a few minutes of laying there, they heard footsteps in the sand, but kept their eyes closed. Suddenly, Luna felt freezing cold water being dumped on her. She screeched, jumping to her feet, the coldness of the water taking her breath away. Liam dropped the bucket he had used to dump the water on her, crossing his arms over his chest and smirking.

"You little. . ." Luna growled through gritted teeth. Liam shrugged.

"Whoops," he replied, still smirking proudly. He turned on his heels, running to the water, Luna chasing him angrily. They ran through the water, Luna leaping onto Liam's back and dunking his head in the water. As the feeling of the cold water caught up to her, she froze, instantly beginning to shiver. Liam came back above the water, feeling a small bit of sympathy for her. He pecked her lips before his sympathy faded and he dunked her under.

"Liam Dunbar!" Luna yelled as soon as her head was above the freezing cold water. Liam smirked, shrugging and turning, swimming away. Luna glared, swimming after him.


After they swam for the while, the teenagers decided it was time for a break to eat some lunch. Luna sat at the picnic table, her towel wrapped around her cold body. Her lips were tinted blue, as she truly was cold, even though the others didn't think that the water was all that cold. She grabbed her bag of salt and vinegar chips, opening the bag before popping one in her mouth while Liam and Damian cooked the hot dogs.

While Damian watched the hot dogs, waiting for them to cook, Liam sat down next to Luna, putting his arm around her shoulder, his body heat nearly instantly warming her up. Luna smiled, snuggling further into his arms, hoping to collect more of his body heat. "How are you always so cold? It's, like, seventy degrees out."

Luna shrugged. "I just am, okay? Now stop asking questions and just be my personal heater." Liam chuckled at the title. He rested his chin on top of Luna's head, his arm around her and body pressed up against hers. Luna's arm was pressed up against Liam's abs while she looked at her thighs, biting her lip and trying not to blush. Even though they had been dating for a while now, just seeing his abs was enough to make her blush like crazy.

Damian set the plate of cooked hot dogs down on the table. Luna and Liam both turned to face the table part of the picnic table, Liam's arm moving back to his side as he grabbed a bun and a hot dog. Luna did the same, her shoulder pressed up against Liam's, their legs also pressed together. Liam smiled at her, pecking her cheek before they all began to eat their lunch.


After their lunch and a small break to digest their food, the teens went to the twenty-food cliffs by the water to jump off of. Luna was not looking forward to it, and she was going to try to find any way she could to get out of it. She was a big baby compared to the others, and one of the last experiences she wanted was to cliff jump. She walked up the hill, her fingers intertwined in Liam's, her small hand protected by his bigger hand.

Luna slipped her hand out of Liam's when they got to the top of the hill, freezing in her tracks. It was a long drop to the water, a much longer drop than she had expected it to be. She gulped, her eyes widening, her knees shaking. The others stopped, turning to look at Luna, their eyebrows furrowed in confusion as to why she had stopped.

"You good?" Liam asked, worry filling his crystal blue eyes.

"Uh, yeah. . ." Luna replied. "But, uh, you guys can go without me. I'm just gonna hang out here and start walking back to the beach after you guys jump."

"Oh, no, you are not babying out on this one," Damian said, taking a step towards her.

Luna looked over at him. "I agreed to go to the beach, not cliff jump, okay? I'm not doing this."

"You don't have to," Liam reassured her. "I'll stay up here with you."

"Dude! Stop! Don't let her chicken out on this one!" Damian exclaimed. Liam looked at the boy, his eyes turning dark as he grew angry.

Liam growled lowly. "Look, if she doesn't want to, then she doesn't have to, okay? If you want to go so bad, then go."

"You guys can be really lame sometimes," Damian mumbled, rolling his eyes. The angry boy turned, leaping off of the cliff, Kenzie following. Luna sighed sharply, shaking her head at herself. She hated to seem like a big wuss, but she hated heights, and the thought of jumping off of a cliff didn't phase her.

Liam turned back to her, a gentle look in his eyes. He walked forward, grabbing her hand in his, looking down at their hands before looking back into his eyes. "C'mon, let's walk down. Damian's just being a jerk right now. We all have those moments." Luna followed, walking with Liam back down the hill and across the sand to their picnic table.

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