Chapter 35 ~ Restless

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Rather than go to Derek's where most of her anxiety took place, Luna decided to spend the night at Liam's and be in the arms of her anchor. She lay on his bed, her head on his chest and eyes closed. Liam lay with his eyes wide open, one arm around Luna's shoulder and the other bent at the elbow, his fingers messing with his hair on the top of his head. He couldn't sleep feeling how anxious Luna was.

Even though she was with him, she was having constant anxiety because of what Damian had told them. It was all so much for everyone to process, and they knew it would take some time, which is why Derek didn't argue when Luna said she wanted to stay at Liam's. Luna rolled onto her left side, her right leg bent at the knee, laying over Liam's legs. She put her hand on his chest, her forehead snuggled into the crook of his neck. Liam kept his right arm firm around her, placing a gentle kiss on the top of her head.

Liam smiled down at Luna. As much as he knew he should sleep, he couldn't bring himself to. He wanted to stay awake in case Luna woke up and needed him. He promised he would be there for her no matter what, and he was going to live up to that promise. The thought of him being asleep when she needed him wasn't something that he wanted to live out. He wanted to be there whenever she needed him.

That's why he didn't sleep as much as a wink all night.


Luna walked through the school corridor the next morning, smiling when she noticed Liam standing by his locker. They had gone separate ways when they got to school, and she was happy that she was going to be able to see him before their first period classes started. Luna snuck up behind him, reaching up and covering his eyes.

"Luna, you're not that sneaky," Liam chuckled, turning around. Luna lowered her arms, giving him an exaggerated pout.

"Dang," she mumbled. Liam smiled, leaning down and pecking her cheek, resting his hand on her cheek soon after. Luna leaned slightly into his touch, smiling at the boy, moving her hand so it was over his.

"Guys!" Damian called from down the hall. Luna and Liam both stepped back, knowing that the boy would have some kind of comment if he had seen them. Damian ran to them, panting as he approached, struggling to catch his breath. Luna raised her eyebrows at him. "I-I've got some news."

Luna crossed her arms over her chest. "Then catch your breath and tell us." Damian eyed her. When he caught his breath, he continued with whatever he was getting to.

"There's an Alpha, besides Scott, that's been roaming around Beacon Hills. I found out who it is and what they want," Damian stated. Liam and Luna exchanged a glance, staying silent and waiting for Damian to continue. "The Alpha is my dad. And uh. . . he's going after your dad, Luna."

Luna furrowed her eyebrows. "What? Why my dad?"

"He's going after those you love. Why? I don't know. But I suggest we get to the station as soon as possible," Damian suggested. As soon as he finished talking, Luna's phone went off, the number of the hospital on her phone screen. She glanced up at Damian and Liam, answering her phone.


"Luna Stilinski?" a voice on the other line asked.

"That's me," Luna replied.

The women sighed. "I'm afraid your father is in critical condition. Someone attacked him earlier today and he fell into a coma."

"Is he going to make it?" Luna asked, her voice shaking and eyes watering. Liam and Damian exchanged a worried glance.

"We're not sure," the women said.

"Okay, I-I'll be there soon," Luna stated. She hung up, looking up at Liam and Damian, her eyes glossed over with tears. "My dad is in a coma. . ."


After she and Stiles sat in the room their dad was in for a while, Stiles had left to get some food for them, leaving Luna in there alone. She sat in a chair beside the hospital bed, looking at her unconscious father, silently praying that he would make it out of the hospital alive. She knew she couldn't do much to protect him even if she knew about the other Alpha, but she couldn't help but to feel guilty.

Luna went to get a drink from the vending machine, returning to see the Alpha sitting by her father's bed, sharpening his claws. The girl growled quietly, closing the door to the room behind herself, stepping into the room.

"Get away from him," she demanded through gritted teeth.

"Luna," the Alpha started, still looking down at her dad, "just the Beta I was hoping to see." He began brushing his claws over her dad's neck. Luna stepped forward slightly. "Do you ever wonder what it's like to watch someone slowly die under your claws? To feel their soul leave their body?"

"No, because I'm not some sicko like you," Luna growled. She watched the Alpha with weary eyes. "You want me, not my dad. So I suggest that you stay the hell away from him."

The Alpha chuckled. He stood, kicking the chair he was sitting in, sending it rolling into the wall across the room. He looked at Luna, a smirk on his lips. "You're right, I do want you. I've wanted you in my pack since I found out that you had gotten bit."

"You're gonna have to try a different tactic to get me in, then," Luna snarled. The Alpha chuckled, charging at the girl, grabbing her by the neck, her back pressed on the wall. He wrapped his hand around her neck, lifting her up, her feet dangling off of the ground. Luna grunted, struggling to keep her breathing steady, eyeing him.

The Alpha examined her closely. "Look at you. So precious. Still so young. So pure. So unaware of how much evil we could accomplish together. We could take Beacon Hills away from Scott. You could improve your rank."

Luna began panting as his hand pressed up against her throat. "Why don't you just kill me? I'm not going to join you and your sick little pack."

"Killing you would be too easy," the Alpha said. Luna narrowed her eyes, challenging him silently. Her eyes were tinting a golden-yellow.

"Sometimes taking the easy route out is best," she stated. The Alpha chuckled again, shrugging, leaning his face closer to hers.

"If you insist," he hissed. He turned quickly, throwing the girl back first up against the wall which the chair had rolled to. Luna groaned, falling to the ground with a thump. She lifted her head, only to see the Alpha storming over, snatching the collar of her shirt in his hand and throwing an uppercut into her jaw. Warm blood spilled out of her tongue as she bit it. The taste of metallic blood filled her mouth, a taste that she had grown used to.

Her eyes opened to be a golden-yellow color. Her fangs and claws grew in as her anger level spiked. The Alpha smirked, letting go of her collar, her head falling back to the ground. As he went to kick her in the ribs, Luna snatched his foot into her hands, pulling him onto the ground and standing, now looking down at him. Luna got on top of him, punching him left and right, his face beginning to bleed.

Angry, the Alpha threw her off onto the ground. He then stalked towards her dad, his claws lifted in the air. Luna staggered to her feet, running in front of her dad, grabbing the Alpha wrist in her hand, twisting it quickly, feeling the bone breaking and hearing a loud snap. Weakened, the Alpha fell to the ground. Luna grabbed the Wolfsbane she had hidden under her father's pillow in case this happened, stabbing the needle into his chest.

The Alpha's eyes were glowing red as his soul slowly left his body. Luna began feeling weird as he stared into her soul, his eyes slowly fading down to an electric blue, then a yellow, and then lifeless. Luna grabbed his body quickly, throwing it out of the window before the nurse's walked in. She then turned, Stiles walking in to see her covered in blood.

His eyes widened when he noticed the color of her eyes. "Holy shit. . ."

"What?" Luna asked, her eyes fading back to normal.

Stiles smiled. "My baby sister is an Alpha!"

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