Chapter 10 ~ Cute

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During free period, Luna and Damian walked out back, sitting in the grass by the soccer field. As they sat down, the gym class that was taking place ran through the back doors, cheering, as Coach was letting them play soccer outside today. Luna spotted Liam walking in the back, avoiding talking to anyone. She bit her lip when she noticed him wearing sweats and a muscle tee.

"What are you doing?" Damian asked, snapping her out of her train of thought. Luna quickly turned her head, clearing her throat and rubbing the back of her neck.

"Me? Oh, n-nothing," she lied, her lie being so obvious that Damian saw right through it. He smirked, glancing between her and Liam.

"You must love watching the way he moves on the field. How his biceps are tense when he wears that muscle tee. How he-"

"Okay, that's enough," Luna interrupted. "Are you sure you're not gay?"

Damian rolled his eyes. "For the thousandth time, yes, I'm sure that I'm not gay. I just think that some guys are attractive, which is totally normal, as we humans tend to get jealous of others." Luna just rolled her eyes. She turned her head to look at Liam again. This time, he noticed her, smiling and winking. Luna smiled back, her cheeks burning as she began to blush. "My lord, would you two please get a room?"

Luna turned back to Damian. "Dude, we were just smiling at each other. Chill out."

"Oh we both know that there's more to those smiles than you're saying," Damian smirked.

"Whatever," Luna spat. She turned back to him, crossing her legs and looking down at the grass below her. "That's not what we came here to talk about, anyways."

Damian nodded. "Right. Why are we out here, again?" Luna eyed him, and Damian remembered as she gave him the look. "Oh, yeah. Totally knew that. Well, I would like to join you in acknowleding the difficulties of your life."

"You are the worst at this comfort thing," Luna spat. "There's a lot of crazy supernatural stuff going on."

"What's up with that, anyways?"

"Well, to make a long story short, I almost died, Scott bit me, and I am now his other Beta," Luna explained, shrugging. Damian's eyes widened slightly.

"Damn, girl. That's rough," he said. Luna couldn't help but to chuckle at the words he chose for that sentence. Even though Damian could be annoying and almost unbearable at times, he knew how to make her feel better, even if he didn't try all that hard.


Luna sat on the front steps of the school when the school day was over, waiting for Liam, as the two of them were going to be walking to the closest ice cream place after school. Since Liam had to talk to one of his teachers, Luna had decided to sit outside and wait in the fresh air.

"Hey, girlie," a voice said behind her. Luna turned her head, seeing Lydia. She walked over, sitting down next to Luna. The girl offered Lydia a gentle smile. "How are you and Liam doing?"

"Good," Luna smiled, just the thought of him causing her to begin blushing. "Well, I guess it's been more on the amazing side."

Lydia smiled. "You guys are so cute." Luna smiled, pushing a strain of hair behind her ear and looking down awkwardly. "Well, looks like he's coming. I'll see you later." Lydia stood, walking away. Luna stood, turning to face Liam as he approached her.

"You ready to go get some ice cream?" Liam asked, offering his hand to Luna.

"Is that even a question?" Luna scoffed, taking his hand and intertwining their fingers.

After they got their ice cream, Luna and Liam sat in the grass talking. Suddenly, Liam pressed his ice cream against Luna's nose, instantly causing her nose to be extremely cold. Luna gasped dramatically, stuffing her ice cream cone in his face, causing Liam to chuckle and move his face away from her ice cream. Luna laughed at him, leaning forward and resting her head on his shoulder.

Liam smiled, wiping the ice cream off his own and Luna's face before putting his arm around her shoulder, holding her securely. Luna snuggled into the boys arms, closing her eyes as she relaxed under his touch.

Never Be The Same // Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now