Chapter 31 ~ Warning

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During half time of yet another home lacrosse game that night, Liam and Luna decided to wander the cool halls of Beacon Hills. They had met up with Damian and were just walking and talking, until the smell of blood hit both Luna and Liam, and they stopped in their tracks. Damian furrowed his eyebrows, seeing the both of them looking around cautiously.

"What is it?" he asked.

Liam looked at Luna. "You smelt that too, right?"

Luna nodded. "Blood. It's coming from the boiler room." The two teens began walking towards the boiling room, Damian following at a cautious distance, unsure of exactly what the two werewolves had picked up with their crazy good senses. He walked into the boiler room with them.

Luna and Liam walked separate ways into the boiler room. Luna paused when she saw a dead body. It was one of the teachers. In fact, it was the Chemistry teacher. Blood covered his head, his eyes were missing, and his legs were cut off from the knee down. Luna gulped, the sides of her neck tingling while she felt as if she might throw up. The girl looked up, seeing three words written in blood on the wall:

You've been warned.

"Guys, I think I found something," Luna called, her voice shaking with fear. Liam and Damian both walked over, both of them stopping immediately when they saw the body.

Liam looked at Luna. "You should call your dad."


The game was canceled when half of the police station showed up. All that was seen outside of the school was sirens flashing and crime scene tape blocking the doors. Walkie-talkies, officers talking, and walking were the only things heard. Luna and Liam were still in their lacrosse gear, as they had immediately called her father and then waited outside for them to show up.

Her father sighed as he walked outside. He approached Luna, Liam and Damian. "Well, it looks like the victims legs were cut off with an axe." Axe. Luna didn't know why the weapon seemed so important to her, but it did. "I think whoever did it is trying to warn you. Which means that you're going to have to go under protective custody and stay in a protected place."

"Like where?" Luna asked.

"She can stay at my place," Liam insisted. Sheriff Stilinski looked at the boy, his protective father side kicking in.

"Absolutely not," he replied.

"But I-" Liam started.

Her father interuppted him. "Not another word. You can't do nearly as much to protect her as most people can." Liam closed his slightly parted lips. He glanced over to Luna, gulping, his adam's apple moving up and down. He sighed quietly, turning his head and looking down sadly, clenching his jaw. Luna grabbed Liam's hand gently, intertwining their fingers and stepping closer to him in attempt to comfort him. Sheriff Stilinski looked at his daughters. "You're going to be staying with Derek."

Luna's eyes widened. "What!?"

"Aloha," Derek smiled as he walked over.


Luna walked lamely into Derek's loft, dragging her suitcase behind herself. She hadn't been allowed to go to Liam's, since he apparently couldn't protect her, and he wasn't able to go over because of some kind of stupid rule Derek had about being with your significant other during the time around a full moon. Luna didn't quite understand it, but in ways, she didn't want to.

"Here's your room," Derek announced after they had walked up the swirly stairs to the second floor. He set her other bag down on the guest bedroom bed. "Now, if you're going to be staying with me, I have a few rules: no food in the rooms, no drinks in the rooms, healthy foods only, you must get up before dawn every day and work out to get ready for the day, no Liam when I'm not home, no Liam around full moons, and never, ever, take any food with my name on it. Deal?"

Luna scoffed. "But that's like every food in your fridge and cupboards!"

Derek shrugged. "You want your own food? Buy it and label it with your name." Luna sighed, pouting and crossing her arms over her chest. "Oh, also, never touch the mini fridge in my living room."

The girl huffed. "You seemed like much less of a sour wolf when you picked me up." Derek chuckled, shaking his head and walking out to leave her to settle in. The girl plopped down on the bed. She had a feeling this was going to be a long stay.

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