Chapter 24 ~ Chosen

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A week of having to go through school knowing that there was a suspect somewhere around targeting high schoolers had passed. Needing to clear their heads, Luna and Liam had decided to go for a run, as the fresh air helped them both clear their minds. Luna put her earbuds in before she and Liam began jogging their usual route.

The two had only been a few minutes into the jog when a black SUV came out of nowhere, ramming right into them, sending the two flying back and onto the ground. Liam propped himself up on his elbows while Luna struggled to, a sharp pain shooting from her ribs throughout her body whenever she tried to. She lay with her light head back on the ground, struggling to breathe because of the pain in her ribs.

A person dressed in all black hopped out of the vehicle. Luna could tell she was a female by the body shape and scent, but not by anything else, as her face was covered. "Well, two Beta's with one hit. Today is going to be a good day."


Liam paced the cell he and Luna were trapped in, walking along right next to the metal bars, trying to find a way out. Luna, on the other hand, sat on the ground, her back pressed against the cold metal. She didn't see a point in trying to find a way out. Her dad had put her in cells for demonstration purposes, challenging her to find a way out. She never did.

"Liam, would you stop pacing, please? It's not going to help anything," Luna said, sighing and resting the back of her head against the metal. Not only did she think it was useless, but it also caused her anxiety level to spike. Liam looked down at her, an angry look plastered on his face. Not at her, but more the fact that they were trapped and there wasn't much he could do about it.

"At least I didn't give up like you did," he spat, continuing to pace. Luna stood, growing angry with the boy.

"I'm not giving up. I'm realizing that there's nothing we can do and we're trapped," she argued.

Liam turned to her. "You're never trapped. There has to be a way to get out. Apparently I'm the only one who wants to find it, though." Luna rolled her eyes, shaking her head and looking away from the boy.

"Whatever, Liam," she mumbled. The girl glanced around, noticing an axe hanging on the wall. She shrugged it off. She sat back down on the ground, fiddling with her thumbs. Liam sighed, sitting down next to her, his shoulder pressed up against hers.

He sighed. "I'm sorry, I just hate knowing that you're trapped and I can't get you out of here."

"You can't fix every little situation," Luna replied. She turned to Liam, pecking his lips to calm him down. Footsteps began echoing, walking towards the cell. Liam sprang to his feet, Luna following, seeing the figure emerge from the darkness. She unlocked the cell, walking in and grabbing Liam, forcing him out of the cell. "Liam!" Luna exclaimed, running to the cell door as the girl shut it. Liam looked down at the hand grasping his arm, a growl rising in his throat.

The figure looked at Luna. "Don't worry, Luna. You'll have your turn to be out of the cell and have a little chat with me."

The girl pulled Liam to a random room, shoving him down onto the ground. She put her foot on his back, Liam growling as she pushed her weight down on him. "What the hell do you want?"

"I just want to have a chat," the girl replied, leaning closer to Liam. He stayed still on the ground, waiting for his perfect opportunity to attack her. "All I want is for you to answer a few questions for me. Can you do that?" Hesitantly, Liam nodded his head. "Perfect. Now here's my first question: where is Scott?"

"I don't know," Liam lied. The girl took out a long stick, which was a tazor. She pressed it up against Liam's back, zapping him, causing Liam to cry out in pain.

"Lies," the girl hissed. "You know him much better than many people. I'm only going to ask nicely once more. Where is Scott?"

Liam just shook his head, refusing to give away his Alpha's location. "I don't have to tell you anything."

"That's too bad," the girl sighed, switching the tazor on. "After I take care of you, I guess I'll have to go take care of Luna, too." Before Liam could protest, the tazor was pressed up against the middle of his back, sending electric volts shooting through his body. Liam cried out in pain. Determined to make sure the girl didn't get to Luna, he propped himself up onto his hands, his eyes glowing a golden yellow, his fangs and claws growing in. His yell turned into a roar as he gained his strength.

Quickly, he turned, his claws slashing into the human girls leg. She yelled out in pain, falling to the side, the tazor shutting off as it fell with her. Liam then slashed her stomach, making sure to slow her down as much as possible. While she struggled to get her medkit, Liam snatched the keys into his hands, turning and running to the cell Luna was in, his eyes fading back to normal.

"Come on, we have to go now," Liam said quickly, unlocking the cell door, grabbing Luna's hand and pulling her out.

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