Chapter 41 ~ Rodeo

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Days had passed. Luna was able to gain Hades trust, and when Damian had told her that there was a rodeo coming up, she signed up for pole bending, barrel racing, and cash cow. She only had a few days to train him. Hades had turned out to be a super energetic horse, which made he and Luna get along just fine. Since they got along so well, Luna had amazing control. He was also very fast, which would help at the rodeo. But, before they could go to the rodeo, they had to get Hades into the trailer.

"Hades!" Luna called, clicking her tongue. She started to approach the large horse, who was in one of his playful moods. Luna reached forward to slide the halter on his face, but he whinnied loudly and began galloping, Luna chasing him. "Get your butt over here!"

All that Damian, Liam and Kenzie saw was Luna chasing Hades across the pasture, soon turning around, Hades then chasing her.


When they got to the arena, they piled out of the truck. Luna went to the trailer, clipping the lead rope on Hades' halter. She lead him out, tying him up to the side of the trailer, hanging his bag of hay next to his face and setting his water bucket down by his large hooves. The girl grabbed her bucket of brushes, beginning to clean Hades off, the others looking around at all of the other horses and riders.

When she was done grooming Hades, which included picking his hooves, she rested his crystal blue saddle pad on him. Hades stood still, his ears back to her. She then put on his black Western saddle, adjusted the girth, and pet his shoulder. She put his crystal blue leg wraps on - one on his front right leg and the other on his left back leg. Finally, she slid on his bitless bridle, which had no nose strap and crystal blue cheek straps, adjusting it before untying him.

Luna watched as the other riders and horses got ready for the introduction to the rodeo where they cantered around the arena for a few laps, the rider in the front holding an American flag. Since all riders were welcome, Luna managed to climb onto her eighteen hand horse, grabbing the reins loosely. She clicked her tongue, Hades beginning to walk, his ears back to her.

Hades was easily the biggest horse at the rodeo. She glanced around at the smaller horses, the riders looking at Luna and Hades with wide eyes. Luna lined up in the line for the introduction, waiting for the announcer to tell them to go in. When she did, the horses began cantering around the arena. Little kids stared up at Luna with dropped jaws and wide eyes as she loped by them. Luna smiled down at them, waving.

After the people at the rodeo sang the National Anthem, Luna left the arena and approached her friends. First was pole bending, something that Luna wasn't so sure about yet. She watched as the first person who was up galloped into the arena and began their pole bending run. Luna gulped, petting Hades neck. It felt like forever until it was her turn.

"Up next, Luna Stilinski riding her horse, Dark Intensions," the announcer announced.

"Alright, bud. Let's show them what we've got," Luna whispered, kicking Hades into a trot. As soon as they passed the gate, Hades stormed into a gallop, his long legs able to bring him to the other side of the arena in just a few strides. Luna held onto the reins, turning him, swerving him around the poles. Hades effortlessly curled his body around the poles, doing the same thing as they went back down, then easily turning around the last pole and galloping towards the gate. When they made it, Luna slowed him to a walk.

"Wow! What an astonishing time of just 18.9 seconds, which put Luna in the lead for junior pole bending! You go, girl!" the announced cheered. Luna smiled widely, leaning down and petting Hades, trotting him out of the arena. Miraculously, Luna kept her place in the junior pole bending class, making her the winner of the class. Next was barrel racing.

Luna moved around nervously in the saddle. Her anxiety level was spiking the longer that she sat in the squeaking leather saddle. Liam approached her, petting Hades snout, looking up at her. "You nervous?"

"Yeah," Luna nodded.

"Don't be. I mean, you just got first in the junior pole bending, and you had the best score out of all three classes. Even if you get nervous, Hades will carry you guys to victory," Liam reassured her. Luna nodded.

"Up next for the junior pole bending, the winner of the pole bending, Luna Stilinski and Dark Intensions," the announcer said. The crowd began cheering and clapping like crazy. Luna exhaled a shaky breath, trotting Hades to the gate. Again, as soon as they passed the gate, he dashed into a gallop. Luna slowed him a tiny bit around the barrels, allowing his big body to be able to curve around them. She did that for each barrel, until finally galloping towards the gate. "Wow. This girl never seizes to amaze me. That was a 15.3 second run, putting her in first for yet another class! Let's see if anyone is able to beat that amazing time."

After wetting the arena, it was time for the cash cow. Basically, the men who worked the rodeo let a cow out, and Luna and Hades had to chase it to the other side in the shortest amount of time possible. Luna was up first, she and Hades standing in the arena by the gate. "We got this, bud." She watched the cow run out, stopping and looking around.

"He's all yours, girl," the announcer said. Luna clicked her tongue, sending Hades into a gallop. Effortlessly, they stayed at the cows side and got him to the other side of the arena. "3.05 seconds! Wow, I've never seen a horse and rider so successful in so many different riding categories."

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