Chapter 37 ~ A Little Different...

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Luna had woken up, her vision focusing only to reveal that she was in a hospital room.

The pack had been told that Luna wasn't healing like she was supposed to be. Because her body was still adjusting to her being an Alpha, it was having a hard time being able to heal properly quite yet. She had stitches in her left leg, closing up the flesh wounds so that she didn't bleed out. Melissa, too, was unable to tell when she would heal completely, as well as Liam's step-father, who had been caught up with everything.

Luna struggled to keep her heavy eyelids open, as she was dosed with anesthesia when they put the stitches in and her body needed more rest. When she woke up, Melissa informed the very worried pack, and they all walked to her hospital room, Melissa leading them. When Melissa opened the door, Liam was the first one to walk in, sighing in relief when he saw Luna. He walked over to her, crouching down next to her bed, taking her small hand in his.

Luna offered a weak smile. "Hey." She could instantly feel the pain fading from her leg, Liam's veins turning black as he took in as much pain as he could in the moment. She watched his veins fade back to their usual blue.

"How are you feeling?" Liam asked, rubbing circles with his thumb on the back of her hand. Luna looked down at their hands, smiling.

"Better," Luna smiled. Liam smiled back, leaning up and connecting his lips to hers, able to take a bit more of her pain before he pulled away. Luna looked up at the rest of the pack. Her eyes wandered to Melissa. "How's my dad?"

Melissa smiled. "We can't tell one hundred percent, but there's signs that he could wake up soon." Luna smiled, nodding. She then looked over at Derek, who had a worried, guilty look in his eyes. She noticed a worried look in Stiles' expression, as well as Kenzie's, Damian's, and Scotts. The others weren't able to show, but little did Luna know that she would have a welcome home small gathering when she got out of the hospital.

"Why do all of you guys look so worried?" Luna questioned, chuckling lightly. "I'm here. I'm alive."

"Barely," Kenzie mumbled. She sighed, stepping towards her best friend. "I'm so sorry, Luna. I got you into this mess and now you're in the hospital with stitches in your leg."

Luna shrugged. "Shit happens."

"When can she go home?" Stiles asked, fiddling with his thumbs nervously. Not only was his dad in the hospital, but so was his baby sister.

Melissa shrugged, looking over at Luna. "Whenever you want to go, you can."


Luna woke up after feeling like she had only slept for three minutes. She was at Liam's, his arm around her shoulder while he lay on his back beside her, his eyes open. He hadn't slept, but instead was waiting for Luna to wake up. After the Alpha and then the sharks, he couldn't so much as being himself to rest his eyes when she was around. The last thing Luna needed in her life was to get injured again.

"What time is it?" Luna asked, her voice tired and quiet. She knew that Liam was awake since he hadn't slept the last few times they were together.

"About midnight," Liam replied. Luna would have turned to face him, but if she did, her left leg would be on bottom, and she wasn't supposed to put much pressure or weight on it. Instead, the groaned tiredly, rolling the other way. Liam rolled as well, his arm snaking around her waist and his cheek resting over hers.

"Please sleep tonight, Liam," Luna pleaded. Liam sighed, his breath sending chills down Luna's spine. "You need to sleep just as much as I do. If something was going to happen while we were sleeping, it would have happened by now."

Liam pulled her closer. "I'll try."


Going to school or not the next day wasn't much of an option since it was Winter Carnival. Winter Carnival consisted of games to get points for your class. The games included events from tug-of-war to one person standing on a ladder and dropping a scoop of ice cream in their partner's mouth. With Liam holding her the previous night, he was able to help her heal, and walking was getting easier for Luna.

Luna, Kenzie, Liam and Damian all sat in the bleachers, watching as other kids in their Sophomore class embarrassed themselves in the activities. Liam sat behind Luna, the girl leaning back so her shoulder blades were pressed up against his knees. Luna was currently on her phone, looking at a horse on sale with a show name of Dark Intensions.

"Why are you looking at horses?" Liam asked, chuckling after. Luna shrugged, not bothering to look back at the boy.

"I don't know, I rid when I was young and something just told me to look at horses again," Luna replied. The horse was a dapple grey Saddlebred gelding, a beautiful horse if Luna did say so herself. She couldn't help but to stare at the perfect dapples on him. She smirked, turning to Damian. "Hey, Dames?" The boy turned to look at her. "If I bought this horse, could I keep it at your house?"

Damian shrugged. "Sure, why not. I'm sure that Darling wouldn't mind having a boyfriend."

Luna chuckled at his mare's name. "Darling?"

"Hey, I was five when I named her, okay?" Damian snapped. Luna put her hands up in surrender, chuckling and turning back to her phone.

"Who's up for helping me convince my dad to get a horse?"

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