Chapter 18 ~ Hatred

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Liam and Luna finally caught up to Scott, walking through the hospital with him.

"Tracy was buried?" he asked.

"In a hole," Luna stated.

"Buried alive. Crawled out," Liam added. "Then we found another hole."

"Who was buried in that one?"

"I don't know, but I think we're gonna want to find out," Liam replied.

They went up the elevator to go and find Lydia, since they were told she was in the hospital.

"Theo, nice going on that tourniquet. You probably saved her life," Luna heard Melissa say as they approached the lobby. "All right. She's about to go into surgery. So it's going to be a while. Any other supernatural details that I need to know about or do we just stitch her up and hope for the best?"

"It was the tail," Kira said.

"Yeah, Tracy cut her with the tail, if that makes a difference," Scott added.

"Okay," Melissa replied before walking off.

"But it wasn't just Tracy. There were the others," Malia said. Luna's eyebrows furrowed. "The guys in the masks." Luna gulped, feeling herself shake in fear.

Her shaking only stopped when Liam grabbed her hand.

So much was going on she could barely keep up.


After deciding it was best to go home, Stiles brought Malia and Liam to their house.

While Liam sat at the end of her bed, Luna sat at her desk, sighing as she finished writing down everything that had been happening.

She always wrote down the crazy things in hopes something might be worth researching, or could even help in her research.

Liam got up from his spot, walking over to Luna. "More research?"

"Preparing myself for more research," she corrected, spinning in her office chair and looking up into his blue eyes.

"How are you feeling? After these last few crazy nights?"

Luna shrugged her shoulders. "I'm just hoping it will all be over soon," she stated dryly.

Liam nodded and Luna stood, wrapping her arms around his torso and resting her forehead in the crook of his neck. Liam held her back, rubbing her cheek gently with his thumb.

"We're all hoping it will be over soon," he said quietly. "Just remember that through all of this. . . I'm here."

Luna nodded and smiled, stepping back from the embrace and pecking his lips. Her stomach growled, and she smiled.

"Wanna go downstairs and eat some Pizza Rolls?"

"You already know the answer to that," Liam smirked. "Race ya!"

They both dashed for the stairs, Liam ending up in front. Soon, he tripped, sending him tumbling down the stairs and laying at the bottom laughing. Luna was too busy laughing to realize her shoe lace was untied, and she ended up landing on Liam.

She laughed and rested her head on his chest, now too comfortable to move. "Why is this so comfortable?" she giggled. Liam chuckled and got up, helping Luna up after.

"C'mon, let's get our Pizza Rolls and relax for a night."


The next night, Mason was dragging Liam and Luna to a party of some sort. Liam was attached to his phone, waiting to see if Scott needed anything.

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