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Stranger ;)- hI pedophile

Pedophile- hi stranger :)

Stranger ;)- I'm bored

Pedophile - well what can I do to make you not bored ?

Stranger ;)- 8 ball ?

Pedophile - if I win you have to tell me your name okay ?

Stranger ;)- deal , if I win you have to tell me your name

Pedophile- deal :)

1 8ball game later

Stranger;)- take that L

Pedophile- how many crowns do you have !!

Stranger ;)- 200 :)

Pedophile- you must have a lot of free time 🤦🏽‍♀️

Stranger ;)- well it's your turn to hold up your end of the bargain !

Pedophile- my name is kian :)

Stranger ;)- cool name 😎

Kian- obviously I mean I am cool 💁🏻

Stranger ;)- sure let's say that....

Kian- well are you still bored ?

Stranger ;)- nope :) talking to you is fun

Kian- that's good :) I like talking to ya to

Stranger ;)- my name is Natalia btw

Kian- oh well hi Natalia 👋🏻

Natalia- hi kian

Kian- this might sound weird but can you send me a picture of you? I wanna see what you look like ...

Natalia- wow there pedophile

Kian- not that type of picture! I mean if your face :)

Natalia - you send me one first :)

Kian- fine :)

Kian- your turn loser :)

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Kian- your turn loser :)

Natalia- it's not nice to call people losers :(((

Kian- to bad what are you gonna do about it

Natalia- nothing absolutely nothing

Kian- well it's your turn :)

Natalia -

That's me for ya :)

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That's me for ya :)

Kian- 😳 wow

Natalia- what ?

Kian- no I just didn't know you were that beautiful...

Natalia- you're not so bad yourself ether Kian :)

Kian- I have a feeling this is gonna be something good :)

Natalia- me to :)

Kian- where do you live ?

Natalia- LA , you ?

Kian- me to...

Natalia- we should meet up sometime :)

Kian- definitely:))

Natalia- we should FaceTime sometime

Kian- I would love to :)

Natalia- well of course you would 😊 you're a pedophile

Kian- omg you and this pedophile 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

Natalia- ya know ya love it 😙💗

Kian- weirdo

Natalia- pedophile

Kian- loser

Natalia- bully!

Kian- you called me a pedophile :((

Natalia- to bad :)

Kian- well I have to go to bed I have a meeting tomorrow but I'll text you I promise .

Natalia- you don't got to promise me anything, if you say you'll text me I'll take your word even if it's in 2 weeks . Just don't leave me hanging for to long okay ?

Kian- okay

Natalia- goodnight Kian 🖤

Kian- goodnight Natalia 🖤

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