Lets hang

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The next day
Natalia point of view

It was about 3:30 in the afternoon when I started getting ready to hang out with Kian. I hadn't been over to his house ever so it was the first time I got to meet the rest of his roommates and I was nervous since they probably didn't think so great of me. I had packed my mini backpack with a swimsuit and my normal essentials. By the time I was ready it was 3:55 pm so I decided to leave. I put the location in my GPS and started to drive.
I pull up to a two story house with a short gate surrounding it but you could literally hop over it. I walk up to the door and ring the bell. Within seconds the door opens revealing an unfamiliar face " oh hey you must be Natalia , come on in. Kian will be right down" he smiles letting me inside . I walk towards the kitchen then he says " I'm bobby by the way" I smile and respond " it's nice to meet you bobby."
Within seconds Kian comes rushing downstairs with a towel around his neck and no shirt on. " hey Natalia " Kian smiles & I respond back "hey." Kian opens the fridge and grabs a water bottle then offers me one but I shake my head no. " so how've you been ?" Kian ask " I've been okay, you?" I ask and he says " no I mean like how've you been with the break up ?" He ask sipping his water. I look down at the counter then say " honestly, I'm fine. It sucks that we broke up but if he thinks that I were to even cheat on him then I guess it's good we broke up. I still love him but I don't know, I just guess we both need time apart and if we end up coming back together then that's good. But I'll see when that time comes or if it comes."
" do you wanna swim?" Kian ask breaking the silence and I nod my head yes . " is there somewhere I can change?" I ask and he points to the door Next to the strairs. After I change into my baiting suit I go outside and chill in the hot tub. All the house mates come outside and they all introduce them self's " I'm Franny " " I'm Corey" " I'm jc even though we've already meet" " I'm bobby and we just meet "
" I'm Natalia "
About an hour of all of us hanging out me and Franny take a few photos she was in the hot tub and I was just sitting on the ledge with my shorts and shirt on since I was about to leave. After another 30 minuets go by I finally say my goodbyes to everyone and walk to the door. " let me walk you to your car" Kian smiles and I nod my head 'okay' . As he's walking me to my car he speaks breaking the silence " I had a great time" I look at him and smile " so did I , we should hang out some more" then Kian replies " i'd like that." He opens my door for me and shuts it for me " bye Natalia " " bye Kian"

Authors note

So I kinda pulled a kian and went offline for a while but I am back ! I was just dealing with my own problems and decided it was best if I stayed offline for a bit well at least from here & a few other social platforms. I will try and be constant with updating again but it's not a promise that I will.

unknown number  ˻kian lawley˼✔︎Where stories live. Discover now