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1 week later

Talia💗- hey Kiki it's only one more week till my mutha fuckin birthday !!

Read 5:30 pm

Talia💗- I'll send you more of the info during the week

Read 6:30 pm

Kiki❤️- who said I wanted to go?

Talia💗- well I invited you since you wanted to meet up...

Kiki❤️- I never said I was going dumb ass lmaoo

Talia💗- why are you being so mean now? What did I do to you...

Kiki❤️- your literally a nobody that I meet on iMessage, you mean nothing to me, loose my number .

Talia💗- Kiki this isn't you...

Kiki❤️- bitch you don't even know who I am so shut the fuck up and loose my damn number hoe

Talia💗- okay... bye Kian...

Kiki💔- bye hoe 🖕🏻

* turns phone off*

Natalia's point of view
What the hell happened to Kian? We were doing fine and he's being such a dick all of a sudden. Did I say something wrong? I was really excited to meet him and now it's like I never want to meet him ...

Kian's point of view
I fucked up. Bad. But I didn't need her.

unknown number  ˻kian lawley˼✔︎Where stories live. Discover now