
697 12 2

6 months later
Just a little recap// Harrison and Natalia are still dating and they finally both meet each other's parents . Kian and Natalia have not talked in over 9 months. The whole girl squad is still strong. Till now when everything changed///


Kiki💔- I'm tired of wondering if you're alone.

Talia❤️- okay Lia

Kiki💔- I'm telling myself I don't need you anymore

Talia❤️- next time you try to do the song lyric challenge maybe don't use my bestfriend's song

Kiki💔- jc had my phone, sorry about that...

Talia❤️- it's all good.

Kiki💔- how've you been ?

Talia❤️- I've been fine. Why do you care ?

Kiki💔- because I miss you .

Talia❤️- Kian its a little to late for that. I moved on, you should too.

Kiki💔- I can't move on, everyday I think about you and how I want you to myself and how easily I just let you slip away.

Talia❤️- and who's fault is that ?

Kiki💔- mine.

Talia💔- exactly

Kiki💔- can we meet up ?

Talia❤️- Kian its 4:15 in the morning, why do you want to meet?

Kiki💔- because you're obviously up and awake and because I want to apologize to you in person.

Talia❤️- meet me at Betty's

Kiki💔- heading that way.

Talia❤️- I'll see you soon then.

Kiki💔- see you soon.

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