The date

946 15 3

Natalia point of view
It was the next day and I was getting ready for my date with Harrison and I was super nervous. I slipped on my shoes and decided to text Harrison

Natalia❣️- hey Harrison just texting you to ask how far are you ?

Harrison💞 is typing...

Harrison💞- open your front door ;)

Read 3:06 pm

*turns off phone*

I rush downstairs and open the door to see Harrison standing there with flowers " aww Harrison you didn't have to bring me flowers " I say holding my heart " oh this is for my second date... this is awkward " he says scratching his neck " oh" I say looking down " I'm just playing around , here , a dozen white roses for Natalia Ross " he winks handing me the roses " they're beautiful, thank you Harrison " I smile hugging him. I walk to the kitchen and put the flowers in a vase with some water. I lock the door behind me and hop in the car. We're about 10 minutes away from the mall and I decided to surprise Harrison and tease him a bit. I run my hand up this thigh making him flinch a bit because he was surprised. I could see he was getting a bit hard so I put my hand on the middle consul. " don't tease me like that baby" he laugh looking at me in aw . He intertwined our hands while driving with his left. I look at him and smile. Harrison made me happy and I couldn't think of anyone better. We park the car and as soon as we get out Harrison says " put this on" he hands me a hoodie and I putt it on. " if you see people follow us, run" he whispers. As we're walking a group of people start to form behind us then more and more " run" Harrison whispers. We run through the big door and the group follows us. We run into the food court and run into this little alley with closed down shops and run into one . " I THINK THEY WENT THAT WAY" we hear a fan scream. " the coast is clear" Harrison says looking out the door. He helps me up off the ground and we walk to the food court. We order chick fil a and I get the #1 and he gets the #8. We finish eating and take our cups with us. We walk into the Nike store and walk to the men's section. Harrison picks up a red pair of rochies [< don't roast me if I didn't spell it right ] we both walk to the check out lines and Harrison buys his shoes and I buy mine. We both bought a matching pair because why not. We walk into zumies and he starts looking at a thrasher shirt then says " let's buy a matching outfit " I smile because he was really trying and I liked the thought of that " let's do it" I smile back grabbing the thrasher shirt. We walk to the check out line when Harrison says " I got this one" and winks putting his card in the chip reader. We walk out the store and I say " thanks Harrison " he puts his bags in his other hand and grabs my empty hand and intertwines our hands. As we're walking we sit down at a bench to cool off for a bit since we were walking around a lot . As he's looking on his phone I lay my head on his shoulders and he looks at me and smiles. " is it bad that I want to kiss you" I bite my lip " nope because I want to do the same thing" he smiles. Next thing I know our lips are connected. I could feel an electric shock which felt good. We break the kiss and he continues to scroll through his social media . " ready to go" he says turning off his phone and I shake my head 'yes' .
We arrive back at my house and as we walk up to my door I say " thank you Harrison for today, I had a great time" I was blushing so bad then he tucked back a piece of my hair and says " anytime love, I'm glad you had fun. We should do this again soon" he smiles also blushing " definitely " I smile turning around to unlock my door. " I'll text you later" I smile " wait" he says making me turn back around for our lips to be smashed together. " have a goodnight Harrison " I smile breaking the kiss " I will now" he smiles walking to his car. I shut the door and fall on the floor. " lord what am I getting myself into"

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