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Kiki💔- I'm really sorry Natalia, I never meant for any of this to happen and I know how much Harrison meant to you . If you want me out of your life I understand.

Delivered 12:00 am
Read 2:30 am

Natalia💔- im not mad at you , I was just mad in the moment. It's not your fault me and Harrison split . He didn't trust me and the distance made that trust worse. I still want you in my life but we should stay friends.

Delivered 2:35 am
Read 2:47 am

Kian🙂- would you like to hang out tomorrow? As friends of course

Natalia😊- I would love to :)

Kian🙂- 4:30 pm sound good ?

Natalia😊- sounds great :)

Read 3:00 am

Authors note

Sooo I might change the book cover of this book so I'll give you guys three options

Sooo I might change the book cover of this book so I'll give you guys three options

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Option #2 city

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Option #2 city

Option #3 original 2

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Option #3 original 2.0

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