The party

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Natalia point of view
It was the day of my birthday and I was so excited! I get to see all my bestfriends and hang out at the bar! The thought of Kian crossed my mind and I got a little sad knowing we would never talk again or meet. I was really starting to like him and get close to him. But not anymore I guess. My train of thought were interrupted when I heard the door bell ring " COMING" I yell. I run downstairs and open the door to see it's Meredith " Meredith!" I squeal pulling her into a hug " hey love!" She smiles. She was only a year and 3 months younger than me she was 17. " what are you wearing tonight?" She ask closing the door behind us. " let me look" I smile running up stairs. "This good ?" I ask and Meredith responds with "perfect " [ you'll see the outfit in the next chapter calm down]
The rest of the girls show up and we do some pre game shots. " okay you girls ready?" Andrea ask " hell yeah" I scream with my hand in the hair. " let's go" lia smiles.[ literally not even throwing shade at Kian and Jc's ex's 💀] we get to the bar and it was a no id bar. The youngest there had to be Meredith. We order 4 shots and chasers. We all down the shots and suck on the lime . " let's order some food" lia smiles " good idea" I laugh. We all ordered cheese burgers except for Andrea , she order and avocado salad. Damn vegan I wish I could be one but I love meat so much.[ya nastyyy]
As I get up to go to the bathroom I bump into someone " I'm so sorry I didn't see you" I say then I look up to see someone is never thought I would see.
Kian point of view
"Kian let's go out tonight we never do anything since you've been depressed" Jc says barging into my room " fine, let's go to a bar that all the boys can get into, like a no id bar type shit" I laugh towards the end " oh I know the place , it's called Vichy I think" Jc says typing in his phone. I hop in the shower and see a notification on my phone ' Natalia's party ❤️'
I missed talking to her so much . But I couldn't get more distracted then I was. I was slacking off in the Kian and Jc videos that everyone noticed how happy I was when I would get on my phone. I didn't need her. But I did. The time was 6:45 . I put on a ripped shirt with some black jeans .

 I put on a ripped shirt with some black jeans

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We all hop in the car and head to the bar. When we get there we sit at a the far end of the bar since there was a group of 4 girls at the other end and I wasn't really looking to fuck tonight. We order 6 shots with no chasers. Me and the boys order 6 burgers with extra fries. " I'll be right back you guys I'm gonna go request a song" I say getting up. As I'm walking I bump into someone I thought I'd never see again.
Natalia point of view
"Kian ?" I say questioning if this was real " Natalia " he smiles "Kian don't fucking smile at me you asshole " I say folding my arms " look can we talk?" He ask " what is there to talk about? It's clear you don't need me in your life" I say rolling my eyes " please" he says touching my arm. His warmth made me a bit more comfortable so I shake my head yes and we walk over to the bathrooms " look the only reason why I said that was because I was distracted and need to focus and you were my distraction but I'm still distracted without you. Not talking to you has been hell, I've wanted to talk to you for I don't know how long but I knew I couldn't " he says fidgeting his fingers " Kian what you said really hurt me, I thought we wound never talk again after what you said, I was hurt" I say still with my arms folded " can you give me a second chance please?" He ask holding his arms up and shrugging his shoulders " fine, but only because I really like you" I laugh " thank god" he says pulling me into a hug the releasing quick " to soon?" He ask I shake my head no and pull him in for a hug. I fell him rubbing my back and his breath smoothly down my neck. His warmth was comforting. " I guess Ill see you around?" He says " you and your friends should join us, after we're going to club bass, my friend owns the place so we can get in for nothing " I smile hoping he would say yes " let me ask my friends but I'm sure they'll go" he smiles as he walk out. I quickly use the bathroom and go back to the girls. I sit with them and say " you'll never guess who I just ran into?" I say whispering " who?" They say " Kian" I smile " that guy that stood you up and called you a hoe?" Lia says with a pissed off tone " yes but he told me why and I understood so I'm giving him a second chance, I invited him and his friends to the club with us" I smile " how fun" Andrea says rolling her eyes " just give them a chance , I'm sure they're all great guys" I smile hoping they would give I. " fine" they all pout. I see kian walking our way and he says " me and the guys are in, we'll meet you there" he says " okay i'll see ya soon bye Kian" I smile pulling him in for a hug " bye Talia" he smiles pulling away from the hug and walking out the door. " ooh la la" Meredith says poking at me " someone has a crush" Andrea taunts " he's far from a crush, he's a really good friend" I smile as they pull me in for a hug " I call dibs on the curly head one" lia smiles " I call dibs on the Italian lookin fella " Andrea laughs " Meredith, Natalia ? Dibs on anyone ?" Lia laughs " idk we'll we when we get there" Meredith smiles " that brown hair guy looked pretty cute" I giggle " let's go ladies " Andrea says opening up the door . We show up at the club and see the boys waiting for us. " follow me" I smile " good evening mrs Ross" the body guard says opening the door for me . " you guys can't go in" he says to the rest of the group " they're with me chance " I laugh " oh sorry mrs ross" he says opening the door back open " you're fine" I smile . We enter the club and they instantly drop there jaws " your friend owns this place?" Kian ask " yes, I can get us into the VIP area just follow me" I hand gestures for the go follow me. When we get to the VIP area I see it's empty " hey rick, it's me and this whole group " he nods his head and opens the curtains for us. When we all get in he closes the curtains. " so Kian these are my friends, lia, Andrea and Meredith " I smile pointing to each one of them , they wave to the boys and they wave back " well this is Jc, bobby, Harrison , Corey, and dom " he smiles. They play upbeat song and everyone beside me and Harrison get up " not really your music?" He ask sitting back " nah, I'm not really the club dancer" I laugh " well then what type of dancer are you" he sits up putting his hand below his jawline " when I was 5 I did ballet and hip hop classes for 10 years then I went to nationals with the top best dancers. During my group dance they had to hold me up in the air and spin me they did that but when it was time for my back hand spring I broke my ankle and I stopped dancing since then I guess" I laugh " well maybe you should teach me some" he says while licking his lips " maybe" I say smirking " so tell me about yourself Harrison " I smile " I'm 20, I'm from England and I'm a youtuber / viner but vine is dead so ya know " he laughs making me smile . " your pretty cool" I smile " you're not so bad yourself Natalia" he smiles . I look over at everyone that's dancing and see Kian kissing Meredith. I could feel myself get sad so I down a shot of tequila. " you wanna get out of here ?" He ask , I nod my head yes and we walk out the club . I send out a text to the group chat
Sexy bitches !!
Natalia- hey guys I left with Harrison, have fun don't worry about me

Lia- my girl bout to get some dick tonight! I hope I am too :) this Jc guy is super nice I think it's gonna work out

Andrea- be safe ! Wear protection well him and take the pill! This dom guy is hella cute ;)

Meredith- be safe ! I still haven't really talked to any of the guys just Kian he seems cool I guess

* turns phone off *
We arrive at my house and I shut the door behind Harrison " my room?" I ask bitting my lip " lead the way " he smiles . I grab his hand and we walk upstairs. He takes his shirt off and winks at me . So I do the same. He then takes his pants off and so do I. He lifts me up while putting me on the bed. He stars kiss me with passion and lots of it. Then I head the front door shut. I put on my bath robe and look to see what it was. I look around and I go into Meredith's room and see it's her and Kian. I felt like my heart shattered to a billion pieces. My stomach dropped and I just walked away " who was it ?" Harrison ask " Kian and Meredith " I fake smile " oh well that's kinda awkward, we can do this another night" he says " yeah , but stay the night I don't want you driving when you're not sober" I laugh " sure thing. We put on frozen and fall asleep.

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