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5 days later

Harrison💍❤️- I forgive you.

Natalia💍❤️- you do?

Harrison💍❤️- jc filled me in on with the whole situation. I'm sorry I doubted you.

Natalia💍❤️- it's okay, I probably would've reacted the same way

Harrison💍❤️- I'm glad things are okay between us now but we need to talk...

Natalia💍❤️- about?

Harrison💍❤️- us.

Natalia💍❤️- what about us?

Harrison💍❤️- I'd rather I do this in person...

Read 10:55 pm

1 unread message

Jc🤟🏽- did Harrison and you talk?

Natnat🖖🏽- yes we did, thank you for talking you him for me.

Jc🤟🏽- no problem, glad I could help :)

Natnat🖖🏽- he said he wanted to talk to me about something... do you know what it might be about ?

Jc🤟🏽- I think it's better if he tells you in person.

Read 11:11 pm

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