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1 week later after the Instagram post

Kiki💔- hey.. I was wondering if you wanna hang out today?

Read 9:45 am
Natalia❤️ is typing...

Natalia❤️- I guess

Read 9:47 am
Kiki💔 is typing...

Kiki💔- wait really??!

Read 9:49 am
Natalia❤️ is typing...

Natalia❤️- don't make me change my mind lawley.

Kiki💔- yes mam

Read 9:52 am
Natalia❤️ is typing...

Natalia❤️- what are the plans ?

Kiki💔 is typing...

Kiki💔- I'm picking you up at 1 and we're going to the beach for the day then the end is a surprise !

Read 9:55 am
Natalia❤️ is typing

Natalia❤️- well here's my addy (some random address) and text me or call when you get here.

Kiki❤️ is typing...

Kiki❤️- will do princess :)

Read 9:57 am

* turns phone off *
Natalia point of view

Well today was definitely going to be interesting...


Lia👱🏻‍♀️- so me and Jc are just friends and ughhhhhh I like him so bad but he's talking to someone :( I guess I'm just another hook up like always :/

Read 10:00 am

* turns off phone completely *

unknown number  ˻kian lawley˼✔︎Where stories live. Discover now