The meet up

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Natalia's point of view

I had just pulled up at Betty's and ordered a booth for me and Kian. " would you like anything to drink while you wait?" The waitress ask me and I respond with " just a water please" and with that she jots it down on her note pad and leaves to the kitchen. As I look up from my phone I see Kian was now sitting across from me. " you have an hour" I say sitting back and Kian takes a deep breath in and out. " that night when we first started talking I didn't know what I was getting myself into because I didn't know I would meet you from the outcome . And the night I texted you that I didn't need you I regretted everything. Jc & Harisson told me I was making a big mistake, which I did. I'd never even thought I would be sitting here in the position begging for your forgiveness but here I am. I screwed up choosing Meredith over you that night at the club. I knew I should've hung out with you instead oh her because look now, I let you slip away and now you're happily with harisson. I can tell you're happy with him and that's all that matters. I want you to be with who makes you happy and who you long to be with, even if it's not me. Look all I'm asking for is to be friends again, nothing more, nothing less. Just friends" he finishes his up his last sentence when the waitress comes back " would you guys like to start off with an appetizer?" She ask smiling " can we actually order now ?" I ask and she shakes her head yes then I tell her " I'd like the blueberry pancakes " she looks at Kian and he says " I'll have the same thing" she smiles and goes back to the kitchen. " how do I know you're not going to do the same thing again ?" I ask staring deep into his eyes wishing I could shoot laser beams . " I wouldn't have asked you to meet if I know I would pull the same shit again and you know that to because You agreed to meet up" after he said that I stayed silent . The waitress came back with our food and we both ate in silence for the rest of the time. We both finished our food and waited for the check. She comes back with the check book and I grab it before Kian could even realize it was here. I go up to the front to pay and Kian follows behind. " thank you " I smile as the lady gives me back my change. I head outside and unlock my car. I get in and lock my car before Kian could try and get in. He was knocking on my window pointing to unroll it . I roll my eyes and roll it down " so can we try this again?" Kian ask looking desperate " one last chance Kian, one last chance" and with that I roll my window up and drive home. I get home and see a box on my door mat. I unlock the door and put my things on the counter. I open the box with my box cutter and see it was a dozen white roses. There was a tag on the side saying " I miss you beautiful ❤️" I smiled to myself and said out loud " harisson is the best"

Authors note
Sorry it's been so long you guys! I've had school and Volleyball that's taken up my time then I had finals to worry about so it was a lot on my plate but I promise I'm trying to get chapters out to you guys whenever I can :)

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